HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 80

Fiction: Group 2
Zhu-zi told him what happened. The poor man nodded understandingly. Suddenly, the poor man
glowed and he turned into a fairy! “You are a hardworking man who keeps his promises. I will give you a
piece of jade to reward your faithfulness. The jade is no ordinary jade. It will change your life forever.”
Zhu-zi fell to his knees and kissed the fairy’s feet.
“You don’t have to thank me. You should thank yourself for having faith, even when your friend
told you to give up,” the fairy said.
After Zhu-zi had received the piece of jade, he never had troubles anymore. He was successful in
all he did and lived with health, wealth and happiness until a very very old age.
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