HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 88

Fiction: Group 2
Emily Jackson and Her Very First Mission To The Pearl River
Bradbury School, D'Souza, Kaitlyn - 9, Fiction: Group 2
re you ready to leave for the Pearl River Delta tomorrow?” asked Aaron who was a secret
enchanter. “Yesterday when you asked me about your parents and what they would think
while you were gone, I made a potion that will stop time….. But you can still get on with
your mission because you will be in China and the agency won’t get affected either...”
“Um…. Aaron there’s one thing I forgot to ask you, What IS the Pearl River Delta?”
He sighed and started, “The Pearl River Delta is mostly considered an emerging megacity, the Pearl River,
which is near the city, flows into the South China Sea.”
“Oh so that’s what it is” I said “I was thinking that it was just a place next to a river where you can find
pearls”. Aaron chuckled and said, “You are a funny girl.” He paused and went into another room and came
back with a bottle filled with green liquid.
“Pour this into the river, it will make the water look like it is flowing but when you go to dip your hand it
will feel like a block” he said handing it to me.
The next day before I knew it I was in the jet on my way to CHINA. With Katie at the controls and Erin
working the GPS, I sat at the back playing Candy Crush on my iphone.
“Bye Emily,” said Katie and Erin once we reached Chine. “Wait…… you’re not coming with me?” I said
anxiously. “Of course not," Katie answered back "It's your mission not ours." “Good bye and good luck,"
Erin said as the jet pulled away.
“Okay” I thought as I started walking to the hotel that Aaron had reserved a room in for me.
An assistant spoke rapidly to me in Cantonese and put my bags in the corner. Her name tag said Jen Lam. I
showed her the note that Aaron had given me. She nodded and went into the staff room. When she came
back she had brought another assistant with her. Her nametag said Lucy Ming. It turned out that she could
speak English; she asked me if I came here to book a room or told her that I had reserved under the name
After supper I went up to my room and started reading the book that Aaron had given me. The title said
All about the Pearl River Delta. When I opened it, it said all sorts of things about the Pearl River Delta. I
was really fascinated by the part that said that there were 5 dragons guarding China. This is what it said: A
really brave and strong man named Yang fought and forced these 5 dragons to protect China, he put the
chief dragons pearl into the river and told the dragon that if the dragon moved from there he would crush
his pearl - which was impossible - but the dragon wasn’t very smart and obeyed.
I must have fallen asleep at some point because when I woke up I was super refreshed and ready to start my
day. When I sat down to eat breakfast I was most surprised that Chinese people eat noodles and soup for
breakfast. But I wasn’t very comfortable with that so I asked Lucy Ming if there was toast. In reply she
bowed to me and brought me a slice of toast with jam and butter. Once I finished breakfast I packed a
flashlight, an apple, 2 water bottles, extra pair of sneakers, a jacket, an umbrella and I packed some sunscreen
too. Then I set off on my MISSION!
I started walking around to find the Pearl River Delta and I asked a few people who could speak English if I
was going the right way. Finally, after an hour and a half I reached a huge flowing river. I was about to pour
the potion in the river when suddenly out of nowhere a tall girl with really dark black hair jumped in front
of me stopping me.
Immediately I knew that she was Wayron’s (Aaron’s evil brother) agent and she was there to steal the pearl.
“ What do you think you’re doing” she asked. “ Saving China” I replied dodging her and bending down
again to pour it in. “ Not today” she said back, taking the bottle out of my hand and examining it.
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