HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 72

Fiction: Group 2
The Legend of the Pearl River Delta
A.D.& F.D. of Pok Oi Hospital Mrs Cheng Yam On School,
Lau, Hang Yan - 11, Fiction: Group 2
ong time ago, there was a place. There lived a lot of people. Because the place was near the sea, there
always had tsunami. One day, there was a terrible tsunami came. The people were scared. After the
tsunami, all the food went away by the water. However, there were many children, and they needed
nutrition so the adults went to search for food. They went everywhere only could see the dead animal
bodies lie on the ground, they felt disappointed. Suddenly, someone suggested to find food in different way
so the adults formed into ten teams and set off for the searching. When Ben’s team went to the river delta,
they saw a very big fish, as big as a horse lying on the side of the river. They were so excited because they
found something for eat. Then Ben wanted to kill the fish and cut it into small pieces for easy transfer.
Suddenly, the fish opened its mouth and said, “Stop! Please! My name is Pearl. Don’t kill me! I can give you
whatever you need!” Ben and his partners were confused. After their discussion, they finally believe it. Pearl
was thankful. He asked “What do you want?” Ben replied in a strong voice, “I want everyone in this village
will have a good life forever, no disaster and sickness. Everyone will be happy, umm… can you also try to
fix the village? We will thank you!” Pearl said yes to Ben, after Ben and his partners went back to village,
they saw the village became normal. Ben told the villagers what happened. They all ran to the river side and
thank Pearl. Pearl went back to the river side and thanks Pearl. Pearl went back to the river and no one saw
it ever after. At last all the villagers wanted to thank Parel and called the place— the Pearl River Delta.
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