HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 176

Blessing of the Gobi
HKUGA College, Yeung Ching, Fiction: Group 3
unrise. The golden flare that captures the soft sheets of my bed is a silent reminder for
me to wake up. I grinned as its light splashed on my face, a true blessing showing me
the way when I’m truly lost. Shivering with excitement, I got up and got ready for work.
Heading for the door, I pulled out my most treasured item—a picture of the Gobi desert.
Warmth bubbled inside of me as I stared dreamily into it. Suddenly, it shined and sparkled, and
the memory returned to me…
It was another day for a top environment worker like me, trekking through nature to protect
its delicate flare. I had received over 15 awards for protecting nature all over the seven continents.
If it wasn’t for me, the nature would become a rubbish dump. I didn’t mind leaving my family
behind all the time, since nature called every day. It ignited my love and my passion. Nothing
could stop me from answering the call--until that fatal encounter.
I slowly landed my plane at the new location, the Gobi desert and squinted at those sand dunes
sparkling in the sun. “That’s right mate.” I chuckled to myself, “Another perfect day at work.” But
I had never known how wrong I was.
Six hour of heat and sunshine, six hour of laboring pleasure. The heat was like hot molten
lava rolling down my back. I desperately needed a drink. Pulling out my bottle of water, I raised
it to my lips. It was empty. I spun around expecting to see my footprints imprinted in thousands
of sand mountains, but there was none. Horror struck me like bolts of lightning as I realized what
state I was in. I was lost.
Gapping at the ‘sea of sand’ that went on forever, fear invaded my blank mind. I absent-
mindedly stumbled forward, but all hope had already vanished. I didn’t think I would make it.
My throat was bone dry and my legs were numb. Dragging them along, I limbed in circles.
Slowly I realized that time had betrayed me, my life was ending. The sun melts in blood orange
light and dissolved into eternal darkness. I collapsed on the ground as searing pain went through
me. The sand domes and whispering wind mocked me, jeering and pointing, “Liam Willows, what
a wimp! You’re nothing but only the forgotten bones in the desert. Join us in heaven where you
would never feel pain again.” My mind was clouded by their words. Without thinking, I took out
my pen knife and muddily sliced my wrist. “Wait for me at sweet, sweet heaven.”Smiling, I closed
my eyes and slipped into unconsciousness.
Clouds, silver clouds were floating around the sky. That pale blue sky, like a silent sea above
me. I spread my arms trying to sooth it along the soft fluffy cloud. Only there was no cloud,
just rough bleak sand. I sat up baffled, “Why am I still at the Gobi desert? My blood should have
been emptied by now.” I peered at my wrist. There was a huge gash, sticking with dried deep red
blood. I was too dehydrated for my blood to flow, so I survived. Glaring in the distance, I felt hope
shimmering inside of me. “If mother nature let me live, then this is not my day.” Oozing with
determination, I stood up and brushed away the dust of failure. I clutched my fist. “I will get out
of this no matter what it takes!”
Morning dissolves to night, night dissolves to day. I became an indescribable creature
crawling over the sand. My eye sight was fading and I slumped down and couldn’t get up.
I sobbed with no tears as pictures of my family floated into view. “Mum, dad! Forgive my
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