HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 177

recklessness! Forgive me! I love you, I truly do!” My voice was swallowed by the emptiness around
me, leaving nothing for me, only the sound of silence.
“Chuff, chuff, chuff…” What is that? I painfully titled my head as a tiny speck came into view.
“Chuff, chuff, chuff…” It couldn’t be a chopper. It grew larger and louder until it was shadowing
me from the terrible heat. It descended, like a gliding angle spreading its wings and stretching out
its hand for me. It was a chopper! My savior! My co-worker cut through the evil dust towards me,
like stars in the sky. Emotion poured out as I felt hot tears prickling in my eyes. But I couldn’t cry
nor move, but I no longer cared. I was saved.
It has been ten years from that event, and I still haven’t found out why Mother Nature let me
live. And after years of searching, it was my dear mother who finally gave me the truth, “When
one blesses the nature by caring it, Mother Nature would find a way to bless one in return.”
“Bless one in return….” Staring into the distance where the Gobi desert lies, I smiled, and I
thought I saw it smile back.
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