HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 180

Would I have a twin?
Hong Kong Academy, Judith Jonkers, Fiction: Group 3
nce, on an unknown part of Mongolia, where a beautiful village lay, a girl named Mia
predicted that tonight, a great sand storm would come and wipe out everything. No one
would believe her until....
“Come on everyone! Come up and I’ll tell you the future that lies upon all of us!”
shouted Mia at the market place. “Gather around!”
“Do you think we should trust this girl?” asked a woman of about 27 years and was quite
short for her age to another women of about 30 years of age. She looked a bit taller than the
other woman.
“I don’t know, should we?” the other women said.
“I think we should. I mean, she’s only a girl, right?” said a third woman.
“The future that lies before us is evil. My magical ball says that in two years time, a great
sandstorm will run across our precious Gobi Village. It will destroy everything we own. This place
will then be known as a desert.” Mia announced, in despair.
“Why should we listen to you? You’re just a child and you’re magical ball isn’t real at all.
You’re trying to earn money by telling the FAKE future. If we wanted to know the REAL future,
we would just go to King Zukuri and ask if we could borrow his fortune teller to tell us the future.
Does anyone believe this girl here?” asked Michael in fury. With that, he hit the crystal ball, and
it shattered into a million pieces.
“NO!” Mia screamed as it smashed. Everybody laughed. She was so mad and so embarrassed
all at the same time.
“Could the day get any worse,” she whispered to herself so no one else could hear her.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! everyone yelled as they fell to the floor because of all the laughter
that was created.
SEE THAT HE SAYS THE SAME AS I SAY!!” Mia screamed back at everyone.
After Mia screamed back at all the people, everyone went back to what they were doing before
all the nonsense started. But there was one girl who knew that Mia was saying the truth and
knew that the storm was coming because her father was the King’s fortune teller, and he always
told the future to her. She went up to Mia and said, “How brave of you to do that. You were right
all along because I know that everyone is wondering who the fortune teller’s daughter is. It is
me, Ria. You are right because my dad told me. I want to be friends. Is that ok?” Ria, the fortune
teller’s daughter said. It was such a shock to Mia to finally find the girl she was looking for. She
could answer all her questions. “What would happen if I said yes??” she wondered.
“I would love to be your friend as long as you don’t mind me asking you a ton of questions
such as, are you rich? and am I telling the truth? and what’s going to happen tonight? and is he
really going to meet me tonight? and is it save? and... and...” Mia forced out of her in one breath.
“Relax!! I’ll tell you the answer when we get to shelter.” Ria said in reply. They went to Mia’s
house. At Mia’s house, Mia’s mom had made some tea and asked Mia who she had brought over
this time.
“I brought over my new friend named Ria. She has nearly the same name as I do. Do you
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