HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 265

After the couple of words, Wanghu felt like something had hit his hindbrain hard. He lost
his consciousness.
After that night, all of them woke up at the same time. Besides Wanghu, it was the general
who first realized their belongings were gone. And when they walk around the city, they noticed
that all the citizens were gone, including those gold and jewels.
At the moment, they had got nothing left. They were not going to reach their destination.
In the morning of the day, they walk along the Gobi desert with desperation. The slaves were
crying, but there was no tear as it evaporated before it could slide down their faces. They had
nothing, no food, no weapons, and no hope. They were dying.
Opportunely, a group of nomadic people appeared in front of them. They were exhilarated and
jumping for joy. The nomadic people lent them some food for satisfying their hunger. The general
heard they were going to a monastery near the Mongolian’s empire through their conversation.
Finally, they decided to follow the nomadic people.
With the lead of the nomadic people, they walked past the archaeological sites, the abandoned
cities and a few oasis towns.
After the long journey, they finally arrived the monastery. However, the general couldn’t see
the empire, neither did any of the crews. Even stranger, the nomadic kept pointing at the place in
front of them, claimed that the empire was right there and couldn’t believe the general didn’t see.
However, the place was only “a desert”. How could it be the Mongolian’s great empire?
The general was very angry with the nomadic people; he said they lied to him. He killed them
without hesitation.
Then, he decided to enter the monastery to ask about the empire. They met the friar.
Weirdly, the friar pointed at the same place where the nomadic people did, “the desert”. By the
time the general raised his sword and decided to wield it towards the friar, the friar grabbed his
arm and calmed him down.
After that, the friar asked him to look at a dish of water. At the beginning, he claimed that he
could see nothing.
The friar said calmly, “Keep looking.”
After a few minutes, he said that he saw himself.
The friar replied, “Keep looking.”
After an hour, he saw his family, his wife, his sons and daughters. However, they were crying.
The friar replied with a bit of happiness, “Keep looking.”
After a day, he saw the people he used to work with, fight with, hated, and loved. He started
remembering everyone he had met, everything he experienced.
He laughed, then turned crying. The friar stood beside him, put a hand on his head, and said
kindly, “Now you have seen the thing you want.”
Before, the general could only see his fame, wealth and power. But now, he could see everything.
He again looked at the place that the nomadic people and the friar pointed at. It was no longer
“a desert”; he could see the Mongolian’s empire!
On top of the monastery, the general looked at the Mongolian’s great empire, claimed that no
one was going to see it unless they could see anything.
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