HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 266

A Dangerous Trip
King’s College, Wei Kejun, Fiction: Group 3
long time ago, there was an adventurer called Jack. He liked to visit places all over
the world especially places with a rigorous climate. He was very famous that time
and he and his team had gone to many deserts, mountains and oceans. One day, Jack
decided to pay a visit to the Gobi desert, which is located in the northwest part of
China. He felt excited since it was such a challenging thing to explore a desert that no one had
ever visited before. Although there might be a lot of danger in the desert, he did not felt scared
since he was so courageous. He and his team decided to go to the desert after two days.
Every one of them felt nervous since they were going to an unknown land. It took them five
days to arrive the desert. As they were getting nearer and nearer the desert, the weather became
more extreme. Jack realized that it was hotter than the other places he had visited before so he
bought some water in a village. Finally, they arrived at the Gobi desert. Normally one can see
many cactuses in a desert but not this one. Jack was shocked because he realized that the climax
there was too severe that it was even not suitable for cactuses to live there. He thought that it
would be a tough journey. Some of his team members decided to quit this journey because of fear
and the others continued to move on.
They had kept walking for half an hour, then they saw an oasis with many huts. It was so
unbelievable that there were people in such a desert but Jack’s curiosity urged him to have a
look. Stunningly, the people there were very healthy. To his surprise, the people there could live
without water for nearly a month. It was so incredible and Jack became more excited because he
thought that there might be many interesting things for him to explore when they kept exploring
this mysterious desert. They got many necessary resources in the oasis and kept on walking.
Apart from this, the villagers also told him that there were also many ethnic groups in the desert
and some of them were even man-eaters so they needed to be careful. With the resources collected
in the oasis, they could make many weapons to protect themselves from man-eaters’ attack. After
another nine hours, they decided to sleep. Suddenly, some man-eaters with weapons appeared.
Since Jack and his teammates’ weapons were wooden, the man-eaters caught them quickly. Some
of Jack’s teammates were scared and shouted out for help loudly and the man-eaters immediately
killed them. When the man-eaters went back to their village, there were only four people left
including Jack. Jack and the other three people were put in a prison. Jack did not sleep all night
as he was thinking of methods to escape. Suddenly, Jack came up of a method. He immediately
told his teammates the method. One of them picked up a piece of wood and lighted up a fire.
Then, the other one shouted for help. As the man-eaters arrived, they decided to let Jack and
this teammates out. As soon as they got out of the prison, they ran away quickly. Although the
man-eaters wanted to chase them, they needed to put off the fire first so Jack and his teammates
successfully escaped from the pirson.
Jack felt extremely sad for his dead teammates and he wished that they could have a good lift
in the paradise. He decided to continue the tour although there were only four people. He wanted
to explore the Gobi Desert so people would know more about the desert and the adventurers who
went there would not get hurt or be captured by the man-eaters. They had walked for a few days
until they got to another oasis. Surprisingly, the people there had just escaped from the man-
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