HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 269

Who are you?”
Ganzorig answered formally and he told them his problem. “That’s a big problem isn’t it?”
said Otgonbayar, “ But we want you to eat something”. Obviously Ganzorig accepted his offer
thankfully. Then Bolormaa brought him generous slices of cheese and a lot of meat. They used an
entire sheep to feed themselves with cheese, milk, milk products and their meat. They sold these
products and they were able to buy other kind of food or utensils.
They decided to let Ganzorig sleep for another night and they decided to bring him home. The
family didn’t want to begin the travel before Ganzorig was ready even if he continued to ask to
go. In the morning they packed up everything and they started the travel riding the camels. The
air was still cool but the temperature was still pleasant. Ganzorig was amazed at the cordiality of
the family and he liked to laugh with them and tell weird but funny stories. Suddenly the day was
finished and the heat of the sun was stronger.
“Follow me”, said Otgonbayar and after a while they saw a tower in the middle of the desert.
“Can you see that tower? The owner is our friend”, said Bolormaa “We’ll stay there for this
night and tomorrow we will finish our journey”. When they arrived Ganbaatar knocked on the
door and shouted if they could go inside. Then, someone opened the door and a fat man appeared.
In the beginning he was suspicious because it was almost night, but then a big smile appeared
on his face and he shouted “Oh my dear friend! I missed you!” Otgonbayar was laughing said
“I’m sorry but I’m so busy.” Then the man greeted each member of the family and when he saw
Ganzorig he asked who he was. Ganzorig was starting to answer when Otgonbayar interrupted
him and said “Later I’ll explain everything, let’s go inside because it’s almost night and it’s
dangerous to stand outside...”
“Yes, yes you’re right,” said the man, “Follow me, I’ll show you your room”.
He showed the rooms and Ganzorig and his friends left in the room their belongings. The
room was a little bigger than a tent and it was built with rocks. They changed clothes and they
went downstairs, where the man was waiting for them. They sat down and a girl brought some
food and Otgonbayar started to tell the story of Ganzorig.
Ganzorig listened to him even if he knew the story but he was surprised when he said that
he was found by Ganbaatar, when he and his father were looking for a sheep that they lost the
same day. When he finished the story Ganzorig asked, “Where are the sheep and the camels now?
We brought them with us all this time…” and the man, laughing, said “Under this floor of course.
There’s another floor downstairs where we keep the animals.”.
After dinner they went upstairs and they slept until the morning. They had breakfast and
they left the tower and thankfully they started the last part of their journey. Ganzorig was excited
to meet his parents and he thought, “What can I say to them? I don’t have excuses and I’ll be
punished!” But he was happy to know that the same day he will meet his father and his mother!
Even the family of Ganbaatar was curious to meet Ganzorig’s Parents.
When they saw the town, Ganzorig recognised the roads he has seen for many years, made
him happy and he followed the streets until he arrived at his house. He knocked on the door and
he heard the sound of someone’s steps behind the door. When Ganzorig’s mother opened the door
she was crying and when she saw him her expressions changed. Ganzorig can’t remember what
happens later. After this episode in his life he learned to avoid inappropriate mistakes and he
learned the importance of the friends and he and his family lived with Otgonbayar, Bolormaa and
Ganbaatar for years. Otgonbayar and Ganzorig’s father opened a shop that became successful.
Both families became richer and they lived in peace for the rest of their lives.
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