HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 273

to the floor little bit. I looked down. I didn’t even blink. This was not floor, it was sand. I quickly
looked around. There were cacti, sand and small animals moving around. I saw a small glimpse of
humans. I ran with Blake. They were Trevor and Dylan. We hugged each other. We sat down on a
boiling surface to relax. We tried to find shadow to cool down but couldn’t find it.
I was the first one to speak. I requested to find where we are. We roamed around to find the
place where we are. It was definitely a desert. I looked around to see landscape and remembered
that the Gobi Desert was similar. To make sure that I’m right, I asked my friends and heard their
ideas. They agreed with me. I didn’t know whether I should be happy or sad. This was the place
we wanted to go. We arrived at the Gobi Desert. I looked at my friends to see their expressions.
Their faces were gloomy, full of dark clouds. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t do anything for
them or for me. I was lost in thought to find the solution for this situation. Then, I remembered the
dinosaur, pterodactyl. It ate us and I lost my consciousness, then I was in Gobi desert. Therefore, if
we find the dinosaur again, we can go back to our home.
I said my opinion to my friends. They didn’t agree 100%, but I was sure about this. I studied
about Gobi Desert before I arrive here. Lots of dinosaur fossils were found in Gobi desert. If we
find the track of fossils and follow it, then we might be able to find the dinosaur. We gave the
dinosaur a name, Dino. It’s a short form of a dinosaur, but the name was cute and simple. The first
thing we needed to do was to find the fossil. We roamed around for 7 hours and finally we found
a fossil piece of an egg. Right next to it, there were some fossils. We found the way to go.
We four of us became so hungry that we can’t even move. We took out all the things we have.
We had some snacks and luckily may bottles of water. We ate all the snacks and decided to go on
hunting. We caught 3 rabbits. I cooked the rabbit because I was the best cook. We saved some for
other days and followed the trace of fossils and Dino.
After 3 days, the trace of the fossils and Dino disappeared. We couldn’t find the way. At that
moment, we heard a cry from a dinosaur. It was Dino up in the sky. We screamed out loud mixed
with happiness and the think of going back to home. However, Dino wasn’t coming down to us
and eat us. We shouted at it and tried all sorts of things, like holding a rabbit high up in the air
to make Dino to come, shouting out all the bad words and throwing stones. We ran out of energy
and tried to think. Dylan and Trevor came out with an idea. They said that Dino dashed into us
when we ran away from him. We tried to run away. Dino saw us and flew to us and ate us.
When I opened my eyes, I was in my bed. I ran down the stairs and hugged my mom. Mom
looked at me with a smile. She asked me what the problem was. I just hugged her without saying
a word. Now, I knew my parents are really precious and important for my life. Without them, I
won’t be able to do anything.
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