HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 274

The Animated Adventure
Korean International School, Maleeha Khan, Fiction: Group 3
ne day in our village there was this young boy called Markus. His dad was an animal
hunter but Markus didn’t like it. He was a calm young boy and he was very intellectual
with animals.
Markus and his dad was walking through his village and talking discussing how
Markus will become a hunter. Suddenly, something terrible happened. The clouds started to go
grey and a thunderous sound echoed through the dusty streets. A tornado rose its ugly head
separated Markus from his dad.
Markus landed in a weird land called, ‘The Gobi desert’. A place no one had ever seen before,
besides Markus’s dad. He saw a lot of camels in the Gobi Desert but there was one lying down
looking bored and sad. The other camels were all having fun and frolicking. Markus wandered
over to the sad camel, sat down and started to softly pet the camel who then put his head on
Markus’ lap. Markus whispered, “How come you are not hangout with the others?” The camel
replied, “Well they never ever talk to me.” Markus’ eyes became very wide and he was terrified.
“Y, y, you can talk!” The camel looked up at Markus and smiled, “You can hear me”.
They started to talk about each other’s families. Markus found out that his dad kidnapped the
camel’s sister. He was devastated that his dad stole a camel. He never saw a camel before in his
village. Markus said, “I would like to go back home.” The camel replied, “Ok, here’s what you can
do. Follow me and I will take you there.” Markus was confused; “Go where?” The camel didn’t
answer so Markus just followed him like a dog on a leash.
Markus asked the Camel, “What is your name?” The camel answered, “Isabella, and my
sister’s name is Katharine.” They were crossing through the glorious Gobi desert and found some
dinosaurs: a mum and her baby. Markus was scared and pulled out a sword but Isabella knew
them she introduce them to Markus. He tried to catch a breath and calm down. “This Is Maria and
her baby is Mary”. They both asked where they’re going to. Isabella said, “We are going to ‘The
Thing’. “Oooh ok.”
So they all teamed up with the dinosaurs and trudged along the sand and they saw this door
in the middle of nowhere. They went in and saw another place with tress and grass and a lion
and a tiger. They joined to. So they went to a boat on the river, flew in to the tunnel and flew
to the transport of life! They all wanted Katharine back in their lives so they got back to the
village but something terrible had happened. All the houses were broken down. They managed to
find Katharine chained up. All the newly found animal friends unchained her but Markus’s dad
suddenly crashed into the room. Everyone else was dead. Markus ran to his dad and he saw he
was covered in blood. Markus was crying is eyes out but they knew that they needed to move on
so his friends dragged Markus back to the Gobi desert. They lived in peace.
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