HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 272

Gobi Desert
Korean International School, Yun Chae Im, Fiction: Group 3
y name is Cade, 17 years old, living in New York. I am a normal student same
as others. I go to school with my friends and always play afterschool, playing
basketball, football, video games,…,etc. The only thing that is different is that I can
cook better than others in my age and I am really interested in deserts, north and
south poles. I don’t know why but I’m attracted to unreachable areas.
The classes I take always became tedious very soon. Class times are sleeping pills for me, the
only thing that makes me focused and concentrated is my friends. I have three friends who are
really similar with me, which means we are all interested in unreachable areas and the classes are
drugs that make us to fight with eyelids. Their names are Blake, Dylan and Trevor. We always get
kicked out of the classes. This is not our fault, the class builds buildings on our eyelids. The only
way to break these things on our eyelids and sweep it away is to talk. We, four of us always have
a debate on making itinerary for our trip to deserted areas. Even if we get kicked out, we talk too
much about the plans of the trip which makes our situations much more serious. But we knew that
four of us will be able to open the entrance to our dream place.
After 2 weeks, we finally decided our place. It was a desert in China named Gobi Desert. Our
goal was to go there without parents. It was obvious that our parents are not going to allow us to
go to the desert. We combined our heads and started to think. The idea suddenly popped up in my
head. The plan was 2 months later, our school has a school trip. We are going to lie to our parents
and during school trip time, we will go to Gobi Desert.
All the things have been planned. Just the thought of Gobi Desert made my heart flutter. This
was my first time to go to the desert. When I lied down on the bed, I could hear my heartbeat filling
the empty, hollow space. My heart pounded even more when I thought about lying to my parents.
The day has come. every classes in my school needed to go to school trip, not for us because
we will be running away. We bought the tickets flight to China Gobi Desert. I saw Blake. His face
was pale and his eyes were dim. Dylan and Trevor were listening to music. I think Blake was
terrified about lying to his parents and our trip without guardians. We arrived at the airport. We,
four of us called our parents once more to make sure that they believe we are going to a school
trip. I walked along with my friends and I saw something strange. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I
was so sure that it was not normal. I saw a bird in the airport. I called my friends to check my
check what I saw. My friends gasped. I didn’t even need to ask whether my eyes were correct
because of their reactions were vivid. It was a dinosaur. It was flying right above our head calmly.
We ran toward to a person and asked if he’s able to see the pterodactyl. He looked at us with a
grin and left. We asked lots of people but their reactions made us to determine we are abnormal.
We tried to ignore the dinosaur flying in the air. We ran, we don’t why we ran but we were scared.
Suddenly, the pterodactyl dashed and swallowed us. I was able to see the saliva dripping down
with the purple tongue and fainted.
I opened my eyes. Sweat was dripping down, it was too bright for me to open my eyes. I stood
up. My left leg was full of pain, it felt like thousands of needles poking me. Beside me, there was
Blake. I woke him up. I helped him to stand. We realized that there were no Trevor and Dylan.
We panicked. Blake and I looked around to find them. I tried to move and felt my feet going in
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