HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 438

Stunned from the fact the Megan accepted my idea, I squealed “Really...?” “Yes, I’m not lying.”
Megan continued. “If... you take me with you.” “What!? Take you on our trip!?” I blurted out.
“Yeah. Nile’s brother is pretty hot, and his friends are also coming right? It’s a paradise! I won’t
dare miss it!” Megan said excitingly. Surprised with her childish reason, “Fine!” I said, and walked
out the house, without having any idea of the horror that was laid ahead of us.
After meeting up with Nile, we started out for the Gobi Desert. The Gobi Desert was hot and
dry, it felt like the cuticles in my hair were actually crackling up under the scorching sun. “Are
we there yet?” I complained, unsure of why I accepted this idea. Now I think this idea is really
stupid, because I see no sign of “lights” in the desert. Nile gently smiled and passed me a bottle
of water. For some reason, when Nile did that I forgot all about the complains I had in a snap of
a finger. Hours passed like this, with no sign of mystery. “Do we even have a clue of where this
‘light’ is?” I finally asked Nile. “Well, we have an old map we printed out from the internet.” He
replied while fishing around his bag for the map.
“Here” Nile handed me over the map. The map had an sun in the center, which I thought
indicated the “light”. Just when I was about to hand the map back, Nile’s phone buzzed. It was
from his brother. “Guys come here now!! Just walk straight and you’ll see me. I found something
really...what the!?” A big thumping noise poured out from the speakers, and the line went dead. A
chill went down my spine, and I clutched Nile’s hand tightly. I knew something was wrong. Nile
squeezed my hand tightly, making me feel secure. “First thing’s first, let’s find my brother.” Nile
said in his serious voice.
We walked for few minutes, trying to track down Nile’s brother. But all we could find barely
noteworthy were the tumble weeds scrambling from place to place. I was walking side by side
with Nile, clutching each other’s hands tightly. This would have been a romantic moment, if Nile’s
brother hasn’t gone missing. Now this was threatening, and the tighter Nile squeezed my hand,
the more dangerous I felt. That was when we found a ginormous pyramid, right in front of us.
“What... what in the world is this!?” Nile and I called out, stunned by what we were seeing.
“He’s gotta be in there!” One of Nile’s brother’s friends shouted and ran inside the pyramid with
the rest of his gang. “Are we going to... go in there?” I asked Nile, not being able to hide my fear.
“I guess we have to.” Nile replied, sounding unsure of what to do.
Chilly air surrounded us as we went inside. As we walked farther, we spotted something that
looked quite suspicious, a rusty tomb, with a stream of light heading straight up from it. Megan
headed towards the tomb with some of the boys, and screamed as the tomb slowly, started to open.
“Is... is the tomb opening?” I asked Nile, stunned from the sight and unable to move. That was
when a gust of wind came out from the tomb, and something that looked like the spirit of death,
came out. As the wind blew harder, Megan and the boys lost their balance and got sucked in to
the tomb. There were screams and shouts, anger and fear at the same time. I wailed and jumped
on to the dark spirit, wanting to get Megan back. “Megan!! Megan!!” I cried as Nile pulled me
away from the spirit, and started running. It was a long way out of the pyramid, it seemed to go
on forever, but we just kept on running.
Forty five years later, I was settling my 4 year old grand daughter to sleep. “Never be within
reach of the light in the desert. It’ll reach out it’s hands, we’ll meet one’s death.” I sang to her.
“Hey grandma, what does this lullaby mean?” “It means a lot dear, you’re too young to know. Now
good night sweetie.” I quietly said. After giving her the usual good night kiss, I trudged out the
door to my bed, and doze off to sleep.
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