HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 178

Fiction: Group 2
Tales from the Pearl River Delta
Discovery Mind Primary School, Bertilsson, Olivia - 11, Fiction: Group 2
nce there lived an old shopkeeper named Wong who had a small shop at the bottom of Sum Lee
Street. She wasn’t just an ordinary shopkeeper, she was kind, gentle and generous. The
shopkeeper had worked for many long years at her family’s business which had been passed down
for three generations. She was loved by the locals and was very famous. Sadly, growing up Wong didn’t
have a lot of friends, but she did have a companion, a pal, not a usual one, but for her it was easy to believe
it was. It was a cat named Lucky. He was black with a gold stripe running down his back.
One day Wong’s family business wasn’t doing so well. So many Europeans and Westerners started moving
in. Everyone was going to H&M or Zara. She felt so sad that no one wanted to go to her store. “Why don’t
people want to go to my store?” she asked herself. Lucky gave Wong a warm cuddle to comfort
her”Meow” Lucky pursed and licked his paw, “I wish I just had a lucky charm to wish for everyone to
come to my store,” said Wong.
The next day Lucky went out on an adventure. First, he passed the tiny noddle shop. Next, he weaved in
and out of the busy street trying not to get stepped on by the many feet. Finally, Lucky slowly passed the big
fish shop whilst licking his long whiskers. Abruptly, Lucky stopped as if a car zoomed right passed him. In
the distance there was a glittery beautiful charm sitting on the dirty ground. Lucky snatched it and ran back
to the shop as quick as lightening.
“Lucky come here,” Wong said. Wong saw the glittering charm and her mouth dropped open. It’s a
miracle,” yelled Wong. She grabbed the lucky charm then wished very hard that her shop would be famous
again. The next morning the shop was flooded with people. Everywhere Wong turned, people were asking
prices and complimenting her store. This is absurd Wong thought, “How can a charm possess magic?”
Wong sat down to catch her breath. The lucky charm made no sense to her but it didn’t really matter to her
because she was enjoying all the attention.
Wong looked back at the glittery lucky charm when all of a sudden, she saw tiny writing saying, “In
exchange for your wish, you must give up your pet.” Wong was very sad and didn’t know what to say?
Lucky the cat had been a friend to Wong since she was two years old. How could she do such a thing? Just
then she looked closer at the charm and written in very small letters it said, “To undue the spell you have to
crush something you love.”
So, Wong crushed her precious little china doll. BOOM! The wish was reversed “YAH”, Wong shouted.
That afternoon she sat down to think about life without her cat; it would just be bad, it would be horrible.
She was so grateful to have Lucky and in the end love, not money, mattered the most.
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