HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 389

Fiction: Group 2
Lost on the Hike
Norwegian International School, Sullivan, Michael - 9, Fiction: Group 2
ason stared out the window of the plane and saw many buildings and a highway; he was about to land in
Hong Kong. His family was going there for vacation for the first time. Then an announcement came
over the speaker.
“We will be landing soon. Please make sure your seat belts are securely fastened. Thank you for
traveling with us and we hope you enjoyed your flight.”
He turned to the boy in the seat next to him. “Ready for landing?” he asked Alex.
Alex nodded. Jason had met Alex on the plane and got to know him. Alex also came from the
USA and this was his first time in Hong Kong too. Alex also happened to stay at the same hotel as Jason and
was going back with him. What a coincidence!
For the next few days, the boys hung out together constantly either hiking or going on trips to
campsites and checking out the scenery. They enjoyed looking at new places and taking trips far out of the
city. They liked places such as Grass Island because they could scramble up and down steep hills and build
bridges from the scraps on the beach.
One day the two families were hiking on a trail in Sai Kung, but Jason and Alex kept on running
ahead. They accidentally made a wrong turn and got lost. They waited and waited, but nobody came. Jason
began to worry.
“What’s taking them so long?” he whimpered.
“Probably looking at something,” suggested Alex. So they ran back to the place they had last seen
their parents.
“No sign of them,” Alex said.
Now Jason was really panicking because they were lost. They ran all over the place looking for
their parents. Finally they sat down and rested. When they calmed down, they began to think things over.
They talked about how to get out of the mess they were in.
They were figuring out what to do and had an idea when a family came around the path.
“Hello, are you two lost?” asked the man in front who must have been the father.
“Um… yes,” said muttered Alex.
“Well then come on, we’ll lead you back out of this area!” said the man. “Oh, and you can call me
Mr. Wong. This is my wife and this is my only child. Meet Chang, he’s 18.”
Since this man just introduced himself Jason decide to introduce himself.
“Hi my name is Jason and this is my friend Alex, we’re from the USA and we’ve come here for
vacation. Do you know the way to the taxi stand from here?”
Chang said, “Can we go now? I’m getting bored.”
“Of course son we should get going, come on!”
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