HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 385

Fiction: Group 2
Treasures of China
Marymount Primary School, Hui, Phoenix - 10, Fiction: Group 2
ong long time ago, there was a race of Scandinavian people called the Vikings who made a living as
pirates. The Vikings children, Lulu, Richard, Simon and Andy, grew up together. Lulu was full of
curiosity and loved to wear beautiful clothes. Richard was tall and timid. Simon was the youngest.
He was short and courageous and the most naughty who loved teasing others. Andy was the oldest amongst
all, a mature and independent little man, but bad tempered and loved fighting.
One day, when they were on their way home from fishing, they saw an old man lying on the seashore. Lulu
said quickly, “Look! Is that a man lying on the seashore.” Richard yelled, “No! No! He looks dead…..he
looks so terrible, I don’t want to dream about him at night…..”
While they fought on whether to over or not, Simon cried, “Come over here! He is old man, I think he has
passed out!” Andy lifted the old man‘s head and gave him some water. The old man slow regained
Andy asked, “Sir, why are you here?” The old man said, “I don’t feel well suddenly.” Andy continued to
ask, “Are you ok now?” The old man stroked his tummy and said shyly, “I am starving.” Andy gave their
catch of the day to the old man, “Take these fish home for dinner.”
The old man was so touched, “You little angels!” He slowly reached into his pocket and took out a tattered
piece of paper and handed out to Andy: “Here is a treasure map, please take it.” Simon snatched it, shouting
and waving it in the air excitedly, “Treasure map…treasure map… treasure…OUR treasure….” The other
children joined in, dancing and chanting, “Treasure …treasure … our treasure …”
They said goodbye to the old man and continued their walk back home. Andy: “I will pass it to my dad. I
hope he can lead us for the treasure hunt!” Simon said doubtfully, “Will he believe this treasure map is real.
I mean, even if they do, they won’t bring us, the adults never do….. Hey, why don’t go by ourselves, it’s
gonna be so exciting and interesting. We will bring back the treasures and our parent will be so proud of
Richard said, “No, no, we are too young and dangerous to go by ourselves.”
Lulu wailed, “But I want to find the treasures, I want to buy every single dress on this earth…. Simon, I am
on your side.”
Andy said, “My dream is to be a captain….to have my own pirate ship, If we really can find the treasure, my
dream will come true…. Simon, count me in.”
Simon turned to Richard, “You wanna go with us or stay behind?”
Richard said unwillingly, “I bet it’s more dangerous if I am alone…well, I will follow you guys ….”
The children waited until late at night, and crept stealthily on the pirate ship of Richard’s brother. They
hang up their banners with smiling faces that they used in their game playing and sailed out on their
Andy steered their way through storms and waves and on the 101th morning, their boat reached the
harbour near the destination. They saw far away a pier bustling with ships and people. They have finally
reached Guangzhou of the Pearl River Delta.
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