HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 394

Fiction: Group 2
The Adventure of Finding Pearls
Peak School, Li, Anson - 8, Fiction: Group 2
nce upon a time, the King of Pearl Island sent Knight Jack to deliver a golden gift box which
contained five beautiful pearls to give to the Queen for her 50
birthday. When Knight Jack was
in the middle of the ocean, a big wave suddenly swept away the gift box. Knight Jack was
shocked. He immediately jumped into the water to find the gift box; but he found it nowhere.
The King was extremely angry when the Knight reported this bad news to him. He ordered Knight
Jack to find the pearls before the Queen’s birthday party. If he failed, Knight Jack would become Fishman
Jack; responsible for catching fresh seafood for the Queen every day for the rest of his life.
Since the King was actually very kind, he gave Knight Jack two things to help him, a GPS for searching
for these pearls and a machine which can be transformed into any transport. Knight Jack also blew his
special whistle to call his newly invented robot, Max to join him starting the adventure of finding pearls.
With no delay, Jack used the special GPS to locate the pearls; it indicated they were in five different
spots; Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Shenzhen, Macau and Hong Kong. Robot Max turned the special transport
machine into an airplane and started the engine of full speed. The moment they landed, they were in a
restaurant in Guangzhou. Everyone was eating something called Shamian Noodles. Knight Jack was very
hungry and the noodles smelled good; so, he ordered one for himself. It was very yummy and every
customer was given a lychee pudding for free. It looked delicious; especially the snowy white, huge lychee
on top of the pudding looked as pretty as a pearl. He had a big bite on the lychee, it was so hard! Wait a
minute… it was one of the pearls he was looking for. Knight Jack almost burst into tears; he carefully put
the pearl in a new golden gift box and paid the bill.
Robot Max had transformed the airplane to a train, waiting for Knight Jack to continue the journey.
When they got out of the train, they saw a giant billboard that read ‘Shenzhen Window of the World’.
When they went into the park, they saw many models of famous architecture from around the world; like
The Palace in Beijing, Big Ben in London and The Sydney Opera House. When they reached the model of
the Paris Eiffel Tower, Knight Jack saw something shining on top of the tower; it was another pearl they
had been looking for! Without saying a word, Robot Max pressed a button on his body; his legs stretched
out very long to the height that he could reach the pearl from the tower top. The robot passed the pearl to
Knight Jack who carefully put the second pearl in the golden gift box.
Their next stop was Zhuhai Chime-Long Ocean Kingdom. This time, their transportation was a
submarine. When its engine stopped, Knight Jack and Robot Max looked out from the submarine and
found themselves with a group of penguins almost the same size as them. With the beautiful sunset, Knight
Jack clearly saw a pearl shining on the Emperor Penguin’s head. Robot Max walked silently towards that
penguin and got the pearl easily. They quickly left before the keeper saw them. In the submarine, Knight
Jack looked at the three big pretty pearls, he grinned as there were only two more to go.
The submarine took them to Macau; it’s very close to Zhuhai. They found themselves at the F3
Grand Prix event! Knight Jack turned the submarine into a F3 and raced down to the racetrack. The race
was very exciting; every participant drove very fast, especially Jack because the GPS in his pocket kept
beeping which meant the pearl was very close. At last, Jack was the winner and he got a piston cup!
When everyone cheered and champagne was poured into the piston cup, he found the pearl in the piston
cup. He quickly grabbed it and ran to Robot Max. The cool F3 had become a convertible sports car
waiting for him to drive on the Hong Kong-Zhuhai–Macau Bridge to go to Hong Kong.
Suddenly, they saw a humongous pearl and they were stunned! The last pearl grew to this size
Then, they found that it was not the pearl but the Hong Kong Space Museum which was built in this
shape. Since the GPS showed the pearl was very close, they went inside, played some games, and looked
into the telescopes to view different planets. At last, they went to the souvenir shop. They saw a souvenir
shining on the shelf. IT’S the LAST PEARL, Hooray! They bought that souvenir which cost 100 HK
Dollars and carefully put it into the golden gift box. The clock showed it was almost time for the
Queen’s birthday party. They immediately turned the convertible sports car into a helicopter to fly back.
On the way, they saw people climbing ‘Birthday Buns Mountain’ on an island called Cheung Chau.
Knight Jack flew down and caught a few birthday buns on the top. Then, they flew back at full speed.
When they arrived, the party had just started, the King was glad that Knight Jack could bring back
the gift. The Queen loved the pearls; she was also delighted to try the birthday buns as they were tasty.
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