HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 396

Fiction: Group 2
Issue At Pearl River Delta
Peak School, Vajpayee, Vihaan - 10, Fiction: Group 2
he day was Saturday and Ron was going to Pearl River Delta. When he reached Pearl River Delta,
he saw that everyone seemed shocked and were leaving in disappointment. He looked through the
crowd and saw that the water in the river was gone. In place of the river there was a ‘wanted’ sign
– it said that whoever could catch the Water Thief would get 20,000 dollars.
While everyone was gone Ron secretly set a trap. He knew the Water Thief who wanted to steal all the
water on Earth, starting with all the beautiful rivers. He does this because everyone laughed at him when he
said that he could make another Earth for himself, letting all the humans die without water. He had a
special way to drain water – he wears armour that sucks up water and puts it in space. It also adds
atmosphere and air to the water in space. Ron knew what type of trap he could put to catch the Water
Ron arranged three buckets full of water and a sign that said “if this water is poured into an empty river the
river will be filled with the same water”. Ron then hid and waited for the Water Thief to show up.
Suddenly a man with blue armour and cape came into the scene. Ron was sure he was the Water Thief he
was looking for and was ready to pounce on and hand him over to the police.
The Water Thief grinned “Pearl River Delta will be mine and so will planet Earth.” At that moment Ron
got out of his hiding place and held the Water Thief’s hands and tried tackling him but the Water Thief
knew his martial arts and easily flipped Ron. Ron helplessly fell to the ground and the Water Thief took
the buckets of water and ran off. Ron got up and went after the Water Thief. The Water Thief was faster
than Ron.
Just then two police cars sped after the Water Thief. Ron watched in shock as the Water Thief stopped and
pressed a button on his armour and turned into a puddle of water. The police cars just went over him.
When the police cars sped away the puddle of water formed back into the Water Thief. “It will take more
than that to defeat me” said the Water Thief. Ron has no choice but to let the Water Thief escape. “How
will I ever catch someone who is faster, stronger and smarter than me plus he can transform into water?”
thought Ron.
Ron still needed to fill the Pearl River Delta with fresh water. He needed to help to fill a whole priceless
river with water. Ron called on all his friends to help him. There was only one problem. His friends were
in Beijing, not Hong Kong so he needed to do it himself. As Ron was working hard the Water Thief was
thinking of an idea to stop the river from having any water. The Water Thief thought that he would
become water and go into the river. Then Ron would think that the river was already filled with water and
when Ron went home the Water Thief would come out of the river in his human mode.
Now it was time to trick Ron! But Ron suddenly understood the plan of the Water Thief – “if you want
to ruin my work you will have to do it better than that” shouted Ron. The Water Thief got angry and shot
a blast of water at Ron, but Ron ducked and aimed a rifle at the Water Thief and shot with all his might.
The Water Thief then just let the bullets hit him. All the bullets just bounced off his armour – he was bullet
proof. Ron had no choice but to run. The Water Thief chased him non stop. Ron was getting tired but
not the Water Thief.
The Water Thief defeated the unlucky Ron. Back at home, Ron thought how he could catch the Water
Thief and fill Pearl River Delta with fresh water. The only way to catch the Water Thief was to fight with
him and win. It could also be a fight to death but that was the only way to solve not only Ron’s problem
but all of humanity’s problem.
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