HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 386

Fiction: Group 2
At that moment, the dragon dance performance began. One of the performers was a little boy about their
age. Simon walked over and reached to touch the lion head. The boy asked, “Are you interested in lion
dance? My name is Ming, nice to meet you!”
Simon said with surprise, “You speak our language?”
Ming answered, “A missioner has taught me some foreign language.”
Andy asked, “Where are we?” Ming replied, “This is Guangzhou, one of the cities in the Pearl River
Andy wanted to learn more about this place in order to figure out where the treasure is. “Can you tell me
more about this place?”
Ming answered, “Certainly, as there are three rivers converge as a triangle-shaped, we call this place the
Pearl River Delta. The weather is always warm here so it’s best to grow rice. Besides, many people make a
living as fisherman. Ah, people here love watching lion dance and Cantonese opera.”
Ming asked curiously, “What makes you come to China?”
Richard answered honestly, “We are on a treasure hunt!”
Ming asked surprisingly, “Treasure?”
Andy said, “Yes, we have a treasure map. Can you help us to find the treasure?”
Ming said happily, “Sure, it will be exciting. Can I take a look on the treasure map?”
Andy handed the map to Ming. Ming took a glance and said, “I know where it is, follow me.”
Ming brought them to an abandoned theater.
Ming said, “The mark on the map is exactly under that tree over there.”
Simon took out a shovel and started digging. After a while, Simon dug out a wooden box. He opened it
quickly and found that there was only a book inside. They were all disappointed at the scene. Andy passed
the book to Ming and asked, “What is this?” Ming flipped through the book and was overjoyed, “This is
the music score of the Cantonese opera written by a famous composer. This is real treasure!”
Richard said, “But we know nothing about Chinese opera. It’s just a book and worthless to us.”
Ming said, “Then may I suggest giving this book to the Cantonese opera group? It will be invaluable to
them.” The Vikings children all nodded in agreement.
Ming brought them to the Cantonese opera group and introduced them to the group’s leader, and the
Vikings children passed the music score to him. The Group leader was so overwhelmed and grateful; in
return, he gave the Vikings children some costumes and stage props.
The Vikings children loved the beautifully decorated costumes and stage props. At last, they found the
treasures of China and heartily sailed back home.
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