HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 390

Fiction: Group 2
The five of them trudged along towards the exit. It took them a long time, but soon they found
themselves at their destination.
“That was a long walk,” remarked Alex with a puff.
“There are our parents!”said Jason. Their parents were waiting at the taxi stand for them.
“There you are!”cried Jason’s mother.
“Come on,” said Mr. Wong. “Let’s take a bus back to Hong Kong Island.”
Alex, Jason, and Chang talked on the bus. They talked about the new games that had just come
out. They got to know more about Chang. They found out that he wasn’t allowed to visit friends in the
neighborhood like them after school in USA because he had to attend extra math classes. Chang also heard
that the boys wanteded to see and vist many places in Hong Kong so he began to tell them where they
could go.
The ride was long but eventually, they arrived at their hotel.
“Goodbye and thank you!” waved Alex and Jason.
“You’re welcome!” the Wongs called back.
“Race you to the lift!” said Alex already running up the stairs .
“You got it!” shouted Jason and he ran after him.
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