HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 397

Fiction: Group 2
Ron got an idea – if the Water Thief wore armour full of awesome powers then he should have armour too
with powers like his. Ron worked on the armour for one week. He also did some research on where the
Water Thief’s next target was going to be. Now Ron was ready to do a fair fight with the Water Thief.
Ron used his flying powers to see where the Water Thief was. Finally he spotted the Water Thief again on
the river without water. Ron swooped down in front of the Water Thief and said in a heroic voice – “if
you want to take away the beauty of Pearl River Delta and Earth you will have to go through me”. “Will
you stop chasing me for goodness sake?” said the Water Thief, clearly annoyed.
Both Ron and the Water Thief fought a hard fight. The Water Thief jumped into the water and became a
gigantic water giant – 50 feet big. The gigantic Water Thief punched Ron. The fist of water almost hit
Ron but Run used his flying powers to get away from the water. The water giant turned back into the
normal Water Thief. Ron thought that the Water Thief had given up but when Ron came near the Water
Thief, he held Ron by the throat and punched him.
The Water Thief then started beat up poor Ron. Just then Ron had an idea – the only way to defeat the
Water Thief was to evaporate him. “Any last words?” said the Water Thief. “Yes…leaving you toast”
answered Ron. Then, using his fire powers, he shot a flame of fire at the Water Thief. The Water Thief
started turning into steam and was defeated. The Pearl River Delta was filled with fresh water. A crowd of
people were cheering for their new hero plus Ron got 20,000 dollars for destroying the Water Thief.
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