HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 503

Fiction: Group 2
Rings of Distortion
The International School of Macao, Tagulao, Nikki - 11, Fiction: Group 2
he classroom was silent as students worked on their Social Studies projects. Jack was the only one
who could think of nothing for his project while his partner, Tasuku, worked on a paper airplane.
“Why does this project have to be on the useless Pearl River Delta?” whispered Jack to
“Seriously, we’re in America! What’s the point of doing anything on Chinese junk?”
“No idea,” replied Tasuku.
“Class, you have until tomorrow to finish. You are dismissed. Tasuku and Jack…I need to talk to
you,” announced Ms. Hoops. Everyone left the class except Jack and Tasuku. They gulped. “I notice you
boys are having trouble finding a project. I have just the thing to help you!” said Ms. Hoops, as she handed
over an exquisite purple bottle.
“What’s this useless bottle for?” asked Jack.
“You’ll learn if you open it. Goodbye boys. Good luck!” said Ms. Hoops.
The second the teacher left, Tasuku unscrewed the cap off the bottle.
A giant creature with
rings on its arms and one big ring on its chest popped out! Its eyes were emerald green and two black horns
were sticking out of his shiny head.
“I am Zin, the djinn. I have been summoned! Your wish is my command, but remember, your
commands distort spacetime!” announced the creature.
“Take us to the Pearl River Delta, in Hong Kong, but make us invisible!” commanded Tasuku.
The ground was changed into a portal hoop and Tasuku, Zin, and Jack teleported into a bay with
many ferries. They were like shadows floating through the air.
“COOL!!!” shrieked Jack.
A dolphin leaped into the air. “Hey, Zin. How do we know we have complete control over you?”
asked Tasuku. Zin unwillingly handed over a card to Tasuku.
“Let’s think what we can do with this scenery. We can make a diorama, a picture collection, and
more! Look at all those fish! Birds are flying everywhere. Is that a heron? Way too grey!” gasped Jack, but
Tasuku ignored him as he stared at the card he got from Zin. He placed it carefully in his pocket.
The time has come! I will no longer serve you! You must pay! Complete my challenge or suffer
eternal distortion!
” screamed Zin.
Jack and Tasuku fell through a portal hoop into the murky waters of the river.
“Yuck! Pearl River muck!” complained Jack.
“Get over it. I’ll use that card to get Zin back once I get my hands on that fool!” said Tasuku.
Suddenly, huge letters in the sky drew their attention. “In the river of time, you must find the clues
to get to me. A creature of ancient strength was resurrected to protect the portal! Can only be defeated by
“An ancient creature... What can it be? And what is this distortion?” pondered Tasuku. Just as
Tasuku thought of a plan, a terrifying dragon roared close to them. Suddenly, pulsating waves began to rise
around the river. “Distortion! I get it! These waves are rips in spacetime! We have to push this dragon into
the rips. But how?” wondered Tasuku.
“How about we use that paper airplane you made in class? We can hit his eye and blind him, then
push him into the rips!” replied Jack. The two got ready for action. The paper airplane hit its target and as
the dragon wriggled in excruciating pain, the boys shoved him into the rips. His body instantly dissolved
into a portal hoop.
“Yes!!” The boys hopped into the portal. They made their way out into a mountainous area
covered in rice paddies. The sky roared:
Portals shall distort the universe, unless the source is found far down
in the deep.
“Yikes! Another quantum leap!” shrieked Jack. “We must jump through to find that djinn!”
announced Tasuku. They took a leap into the abyss. Within seconds, they found themselves crawling
through a barren desert. Zin’s jeering face appeared in the sand. He roared, “You must find the key to my
dark world. Only those strong enough to withstand the storm of black sands stand a chance.”
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