HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 55

Fiction: Group 1
NewTales of the Pearl River Delta
Victoria Shanghai Academy, Ing, Lauren Francesca - 8, Fiction: Group 1
immy was revising for his Geography test, trying to memorise all the cities in the Pearl River Delta. ‘Hong
Kong, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen…snore…’ he murmured, falling asleep. However, soon a dream began to
form in his head…
He was digging around his messy bedroom, and under the bed covers, he found an unusual digital watch! He
randomly pressed a red button and mysteriously, he realised he had landed in 1975 Hong Kong! He was in a
farmer’s field.
A farmer looked up astonished, asking him in Cantonese,“How did you get here? I didn’t see you here
Jimmy grinned. ‘I’m Jimmy, from theYear 2015. I have come in my time machine to visit the past.’ he
replied. ‘What’s your name?’
‘I am Chi.’ the farmer said warily.
They had a short conversation. Chi finally said,‘Didn’t you say you’re from the future? If you are, I’d like you
to take me there.’
‘Okay! But first you have to shave off your beard, and cut that long, shaggy hair, ’ Jimmy said, pointing at his
hairy features. ‘If you don’t, people in the future will instantly recognise you as someone from the past, ’
Jimmy said.
‘What!?’ Chi exclaimed, shocked.
Jimmy sighed. He decided to carry on. ‘Besides, you need to give yourself a new identity. Haven’t you
noticed how different my name is compared to yours? People in the future all have English names, ’ he told
Chi rolled his eyes.
Jimmy smiled. ‘So you’ll be Simon, okay?’ he said in a matter-of-fact way.
When Jimmy had finished dealing with his appearance, they took the Time Machine back to 2015. In a flash,
they had arrived.
Chi was fascinated by all the tall buildings and fancy cars, but kept coughing due to the polluted air, so Jimmy
went into Mak’s supermarket to buy him a drink.
‘What’s this place, Jimmy?’ Chi asked, looking around curiously.
‘Huh? Oh, this is a supermarket. It’s basically a superstore that sells food and household items, ’ Jimmy
‘I think this is a great idea! I want to go back to the past to start one of my own! Can I go back to the past
now, Jimmy?’ Chi said excitedly.
‘Yes, but this time go by yourself! I’ll see you next time!’ Jimmy replied.
Suddenly, Jimmy woke up from his dream, realizing he had been sleeping for an hour already, and he still
hadn’t studied for the Geography test! ‘Oh no!’ he said worriedly.
Picking up his textbook, he continued to read ‘The Pearl River Delta has undergone massive economic
development in recent decades….’
A week later, Jimmy and his mum went to Mak’s supermarket to buy food. Jimmy saw a poster on the wall,
explaining the history of the supermarket. It read:
“The founder of Mak’s supermarket was Mr. Simon Mak Chi Hon. Because of his hard work and
dedication, there are now 26 branches of Mak’s supermarket across the Pearl River Delta.”
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