HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 65

Fiction: Group 1
Awaken Destiny
Western Academy of Beijing, Sheets, Marie - 8, Fiction: Group 1
ey Jacob!!! I found something to do tomorrow!!!” Brittany hollered excitedly.“Really?What?
Go to the Pearl River Delta?” asked Jacob not knowing he just guessed what they were about
to do. Brittany frowned,“How’d you know?” Jacob smiled warmly “ Just a hunch.”
So they drove and drove to the airport to and flew and flew to the Pearl River Delta.When they got
to their hotel, they agreed that they would go on a nice, romantic date at the Pearl River Delta.The next day,
once they woke up they went to the river and had a nice picnic.Then Brittany gasped,“We should totally
walk on the side of the river!”
“Sure. Sounds good!” said Jacob with some lemonade in his hand.And they went to walk on the
river. But a surprise waited them.While they walked they saw someone walking in the distance. It was getting
closer and closer and they eventually saw him. It was a pirate. His name was Pirate Xi the ultimate pirate.
“Anyone there?” asked Pirate Xi.
“Yes.” shivered Brittany.
Pirate Xi then jumped merrily and said “ Arrrggghhh.......You wanna’ go on me” baby ship?”
Brittany shouted “ OMG I would totally like to ride your ship!!!” but Jacob frowned. He got seasick
and he also hated everything around him when he was on anything on top of water.
“Oh no.” thought Jacob. But he did it anyway for his future fiancé.When they where walking on to
the boat they dawdled. Pirate Xi shouted “Are you comin’ or not?”
Brittany nodded and pulled Jacob on to the boat.A few hours later, a big storm hit the river.
Brittany and Jacob huddled close in their dorm. Brittany quietly whispered,“ If I never see you again, I just
want to tell you I love you.”Then Jacob whispered back “Me too.”
Suddenly, lightning hit the boat. Brittany flew out the window into the river. Jacob stood at the edge
of the boat and was about to dive in to get her but Pirate Xi said loudly,“ Don’t!!” But Jacob shouted “But
Brittany!!!???” Because of the lightning hit and the boat broke in half. So Jacob and Pirate Xi jumped and
held onto a vine.Then while Pirate Xi climbed on the tree, Jacob swung on the vine and before Brittany hit
the bottom of the river, Jacob grabbed her and climbed up the tree with Brittany hanging on.Apparently,
Brittany was still alive and breathing.
When they got to the top of the tree, they jumped down. It was 20.8 feet tall.When they got down
they were all wet. It was sunset and they kissed. Brittany whispered,“We are never trusting a pirate that sails
the Pearl River Delta again.”
Jacob then replied “ Never again.”
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