HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 63

Fiction: Group 1
Save the Dolphins
Western Academy of Beijing, Owee, Cheyanne - 7, Fiction: Group 1
hen Elizabeth saw Popo in Guangdong airport
she noticed that the sunshine on her face was
replaced with a pale, dark face. Even Elizabeth’s mom, who has poor eyesight, noticed
pale face and asked, ” Is anything wrong?” Popo replied weakly, ” The Chinese white
dolphins are in danger.”
Popo said, ” Centuries ago, there were three princes.They were evil and vowed to overthrow their father, the
Emperor. Each of them was prince of the rivers of the Pearl River Delta.The Emperor died mysteriously,
knowing the princes’ greed for power, everyone suspected the princes for killing the Emperor.The Emperor
was clever enough to write a will that would stop the three princes to be fighting over to be Emperor. In his
will, three princes combined together was the monarch of his former kingdom.
Unfortunately, the will started war for the three brothers.They died in that deadly war.A fairy pitied them, she
persuaded the Jade Emperor to cast a spell making the soul of the rivers connect the brothers’ spirits, making
the rivers their bodies. But the brothers still fought when they were rivers, making waves of destruction. Popo
was near tears, but she continued, ”They harmed the dolphins, who are now endangered.We are their
descendants and it’s our job to save them.“
Elizabeth’s family was going to stop the war of the three rivers. Once they were sorted in three groups, Popo
insisted that she should guard a river alone, she said, ”They will think of me as an old lady.” Everyone agreed
to send messages by carving it on a rock and wash it down with the waves. Hopefully, it might reach the
destination. Elizabeth was in the second team with Dad.
At the destination, Elizabeth and Dad noticed some rocks near the river. Carved on one was, ” Chinese
Dolphin has not been found.” Signed,
Elizabeth’s Mum
Elizabeth turned the next rock and saw the carving was from Popo:
“Dear Elizabeth,
On my side of the river, I found some dolphins, I’ll travel to your area for help with the dolphins.The spirit
of your river might tip you off the island.
Suddenly, Popo came rushing through the water with some dolphins. Popo said, ”You are in the domain of
the second brother, King of the North River. Get away quick!”
Elizabeth ran as fast as she could away. But when she turned back, she saw her dad shouting at her, ”We need
to keep the dolphins somewhere safe.“The Aquarium! Call the Aquarium, that’s the nearest safe spot for the
dolphins.“, exclaimed Popo,“But before that, we need to call the first team.” Said Elizabeth’s Dad, so they did.
After the explanations, the dolphins were taken by the aquarium. Everything was peaceful now,
Elizabeth sighed to her family, ” I wish that could happen again.”And they laughed merrily at that joke. Popo
said, ” I hope they won't strike us much."
And they didn’t.
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