HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 657

enemy planted on me. However, this feeling didn’t last long. An evil laugh covered the battle cries
from both sides. “Hahaha, that is all you got, Perseus? Come on, bring your friends and the gods
here. Let me handle all of you. My fellow brethrens and comrades let me through! See your master
kill the legendary SKY-WALKERS and GODS!” With just a wave of his hand, a huge wave of flame
erupted behind me and our whole army was burned down to nothing.
Feeling my rage rising, I went up the hill to where Yaksha was standing, with the gods and
my friends behind me. “Come on then! Let me see your powers!” Yaksha yelled with a mocking
look on his face. The gods turned towards us and said, “Use IT now; it is the only chance that
we could defeat him. He is too powerful for us to take him down one by one.” We nodded, and I
felt two hands on my back. Then I rose up, feeling huge amount of power surging in my veins. I
looked right, and saw the most powerful looking creature – a beast with a bird head, dragon body
and legs of a tiger. It was the three gods in their ultimate combination form. And we charged.
I tried desperately to pierce my spear through Yaksha’s body and the three gods also
summoned millions of fireballs and hurled them to Yaksha. Although we were both at the
maximum power level, we were still no match for Yaksha. We tried our best to deal damage to
him, but our strikes were just defended easily by him like we were annoying mosquitoes. I feel my
power decreasing each and every second, and I know that the gods are feeling the same. My spear
was knocked away by Yaksha, and by my last effort I drew my sword, but it was also knocked
away the instant I held it in my hand. Yaksha’s sword suddenly appeared right above us when
he said, “It’s too boring. Let me just end the miserable life of all of you quickly. I still have work
to do.” The sword came down quickly and I barely had the strength to hold my sword. I closed
my eyes, preparing to accept my death. “Don’t give up,” a voice in my head said, “I am the Black
Tortoise. I am always inside of you. I was born together with you. You have all my powers, which
is enough to defeat Yaksha. Feel the power from you heart! Imagine yourself as a powerful god.
Do it now!”
And I did. Huge amount of godly powers were running inside me. I grabbed the sword by the
hilt and defended myself. I heard a voice from my own mouth – it was the Black Tortoise speaking
through me, “Forgotten me? It seems that your memory hadn’t improved much along with your
powers!” I counter-stroke, hitting his sword away while deflecting the fireballs that he blasted.
His sword slammed into mine. Not wanting to get hurt, I rolled over and summoned a powerful
electric blast from the sky. It immediately paralyzed Yaksha. And, with a single thrash, I cut
Yaksha’s body into half. He erupted to sand, and the wind blew it along, shattering all over Gobi,
the sky went dark and we fainted.
Moments later, I woke up, seeing Jake and Christine along side with me. But there was no sign
of the gods anymore. We walked along the Gobi desert and found the little jeep that we hired on
the beginning of the journey. We hopped aboard, discussing what had happened was real or not.
We heard a faint voice from the sky cried, “Thank you, sky-walkers! And Black Tortoise!” And
I knew – the Black Tortoise was born together with a human whenever he is needed. We went
home straight away. When I got home, Jake called and said, “Check out the book – Legend of the
Gobi Desert! They have our faces printed on it!” And I went to the library, borrowed the book
and opened it. It wrote, “Legend says that three sky-walkers appeared from nowhere and saved
the three gods from Yaksha.” I smiled a bit after reading it. I went home, looking at the only
proofs that we were on this magical journey were our outfits – they were the same as the ones we
changed in 1513, and the godly powers that still runs in my veins.
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