HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 353

Fiction: Group 2
Kennedy School, Wu, Anna - 10, Fiction: Group 2
ll there’s left is a region, a oblivion, where used to stand a delicate fountain, a miraculous one…
“Diana… Diana!” I examined the dreary mere. My voice echoed through the murky darkness… I
sprinted forward, running as fast as my faltering legs could carry me… “Diana!…”
stammering in panic, I collapsed into the Pearl River, where my immortal friend lived…
I caught a glimpse of the golden sunlight… “Where am I?” was the first thing that came to mind. I was
lying there, under the glistening sunlight, as still as a perished… Studying my own hand... it was diaphanous.
Before I knew it, I was fading… I closed my eyes…
‘Long ago, in the faraway lands, was an enchanted mere that kept everything the way it was underwater…
that is, until one day... everything’s about to change…’
“Diana! Come over. Quick!” I took my eyes off the archaic philosophy booklet and inspected the mere…
Sure enough, the limitless mermaid tears that held it’s powers were running out… bit by after
day...night after night...No. I need Diana, I really need her… “Diana!” I screamed at the top of my lungs...
Silence… “Diana!” I tried again… Nothing happened. A complete silence…
My pulse raced...My heart beating frantically in my ears...I could feel the panic inside... “Hey Ashley!”
Hearing my name, I spun around. Diana? It couldn’t be... It was Bradley, that guy who I had an instant
crush on. “Hi…” I went bright red. For a moment, I wasn’t my normal self.
I awkward silence. “See you later.” Bradley waved goodbye and dashed into the darkness… I
replayed what Bradley had told me. Diana, drinking all the mermaid tears? Not true... not true… But
somehow, his words and phrases kept coming back to me, strangling me.That’s when I noticed a figure, a
familiar figure… “Diana!”
I darted across the coastline. Diana was lying there weakly. “Diana, are you OK?” I whispered in her ears.
“I’m fine.” she whimpered softly. “What happened?” I questioned. I was feeling a mixture of curiosity,
delight, anger and sympathy. Diana recited a story, completely different from what Bradley had said. What
What have I done? I don’t know why I did this...This is so selfish. But. I was desperate. My decision…
What about Diana? What will happen to her? No… She’s too perfect… This is a harsh decision. But.
Jealousy took over.
“Bradley, you are telling the truth, aren’t you?” feeling guilty, I couldn’t look at his eyes. Before he could
add anything, I interrupted “But...What about Diana?” wondering… “She must be punished. Haven’t you
heard that everything you do has consequences?” Bradley’s tone was firm. Consequences? Consequences. I
blinked back the tears that are starting to form. I should have known better. Suddenly, “Ashley.” Bradley
lifted my head. “Look, now. Forget about Diana. Forget everything about her…” he hissed… “Or else.” I
heard my bone crack.
When I woke up, I felt rather. Empty. Studying my reflection in the water, no tolerance… What now? I
soon found out. I caught sight of Bradley’s men poisoning one of the mermaids in his underwater
workshop. Genetic changes… The mermaid wasn’t a mermaid anymore… She was a bloodthirsty monster.
Changes happened quickly… Not long afterwards, Bradley took control over nearly the entire specie, the
mermaids… “Urgent! Urgent!” a voice called. “One mermaid left to go!” On the projected screen, an
extremely familiar figure… Those familiar bright blue eyes, her fair dark hair, as soft as silk. I know her, this
girl… I knew her. My mouth fell open, my lips moving. As if chanting a glamorous song. An image flashed
by… Why can’t I remember? Who is she?
I dashed out of the workshop. Not knowing where to head. I dived. Sinking through the endless ocean.
There, I saw an unexpected scene… Bradley held a bloody dagger. A cursed blade. Standing right there, at
the bottom of the deep ocean, on the seabed. Lying next to him was a dainty outline of a mermaid… That’s
when I remembered HER name. This lovely girl I’ve betrayed. On purpose. Diana…
I stopped dead, gawping in amaze. Diana, is she dead? That bloody figure, Bradley just. Killed her.
Diana… Tears rolled across my cheeks. What have I done? Diana… I edged closer. Diana… I felt like sheets
of rain were lashing down. An abrasive voice shouted somewhere deep in my head, “Stop! Stop! Do not go
any closer! Or else.” I forgot where that came from.
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