HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 354

Fiction: Group 2
Falling to my knees, I wrapped my arms around this unconscious mermaid, Diana. I held her tight. Afraid
to lose her. Diana… I’m sorry… In a split second, a phrase flashed past. A philosophy. At that moment, I
recollected it, something long lost. But before even remembering, it shattered into the darkness.
I was buried in my own thoughts. Failing to realize that Diana was disappearing. Paling… When I finally
recognized, Diana was almost transparent! Diana… NO… Something struck my heart. I don’t know what
happened next. All I knew was when I opened my eyes. I was lying next to the mere… It wasn’t looking
too good.
“Diana... Diana!” I examined the dreary mere. My voice echoed through the murky darkness… I sprinted
forward, running as fast as my faltering legs could carry me… “Diana!…” stammering in panic,
I collapsed into the Pearl River, where my immortal friend lived…
I caught a glimpse of the golden sunlight… “Where am I?” was the first thing that came to mind. I was
lying there, under the glistening sunlight, as still as a perished… Studying my own was diaphanous.
Before I knew it, I was fading… I closed my eyes...the flashback started…
Tears were streaming down my cheeks. It blurred my vision… Through the reflection of the tears. I
noticed an unexpected phenomenon… I have dark hair? No, I have blond hair... or at least I should…
That’s when a voice breathed, “Our souls combined…We will never ever need the mere again.” That
sounds like… Diana! “Diana!” I squealed. “I’m so happy to see you!” “You should be!” She snickered. That
was when the philosophy flew back to mind: ‘Love takes over, nothing to deny… Embodiment of the
moon shall awake once the chosen one evolves… The power shall replace the enchanted mere.’ I knew
straight away, that this is a brand new start for us...our friendship… I am Ashley. And I am Diana... the
embodiment of the moon.
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