HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 360

Fiction: Group 2
The Xiao Long Chronicles: The Evil Crocodile
Korean International School, Bezanilla-Reyes, Jose Santiago - 11, Fiction: Group
y name is Xiao Long, which means ‘little dragon’ even though I am a juvenile Chinese White
Dolphin. I am right now inside the stomach of an evil crocodile. The first part of my adventure
took place in the Pearl River Delta, where there are many factories by the riverside that sadly
release chemicals into the water and into the air.
My journey started when I was leaving my charming, underwater house and going to meet Bo Jing, my
turtle friend, whom I have known since kindergarten. He always dresses with classy clothes like a tuxedo or
a formal white shirt; he also wears a top hat or a bowler hat. He lives in the countryside, otherwise known
as the South China Sea. Because of this, the trip would take at least two days ; Therefore I had to book a
special hotel with big rooms for dolphins like me. Sadly, Bo Jing’s kin, the Asian giant soft-shelled turtles,
are about to be extinct so, I try to help him as much as I can. So anyway, I spent at least seven hours
swimming towards the countryside but, when I finally got really tired, I decided to go straight to the hotel.
After I got my room key, I went up to my big room, shut down half of my brain, closed my left eye and
began swimming slowly in circles.
On the next day, I woke up early in the morning and had a delicious breakfast. After that wonderful start, I
got back on the road and continued on my long journey. Halfway through the beautiful day, I suddenly had
to stop. There was a stop sign after all. Suddenly, a gang of injured fishes with ripped clothes and big
medallions circled me. (They had ripped clothes due to their big, bumpy scales). I felt like a cat cornered in
a dark alleyway. Suddenly, the leader of the gang brought forward a tattered cage with a nasty looking
saltwater crocodile in it. The crocodile had a bruised eye like if somebody had punched him; he also had a
teared shirt with a design of a black skull. The leader then opened the door to the cage and let the agressive
crocodile out. The leader then said “Get ‘im!”. I was scared out of my life! The crocodile slowly advanced
but quickly sped up. I tried to protest to the leader that I had not done anything wrong and was just going
to my friend’s countryside house, but he was not listening and was pretending not to hear. Then, without
warning the crocodile pounced with a fierce look on his face. The next thing I remember was passing out
and getting eaten alive, which is not cool.
When I woke up, I was inside the stomach of the green, fat crocodile and my smooth, grey body was
tumbling through his oozy insides. Meanwhile on the outside of the crocodile’s body, the horrible gang was
walking near a sandy hole full of dead fishes, when the leader of the gang opened the cage door to let the
crocodile out to feast upon some of the unfortunate creatures. As soon as the terrible crocodile finished
eating the fishes, he looked like he would throw up. And that was exactly what happened: the crocodile
threw up all of his recently acquired stomach inhabitants! Well, the reason that he threw up was because all
the fishes he ate seemed to be full of chemicals that the factories near the riverside threw into the water.
Lucky for me, I got thrown up as well, so I quickly swam away in no direction at all and was surprised to
see my friend’s house right in front of me! I immediately approached the door and rang the golden doorbell
a few times. Finally Bo Jing opened the big, wooden door and let me in.
After I settled down, I told my friend the horrendous story of my exciting journey. He felt so bad for me
that the next day, he treated me to some cooked salmon with a side of plankton. It was so delicious that my
mouth was watering because of the smell!
After breakfast, he gave me some fresh clothes and a ride all the way back home.
When I finally got back to my beautiful, underwater house, I thanked Bo Jing and waved goodbye. When I
opened the door to my house, I rapidly swam up to my bedroom, prepared myself for sleep and slept like a
log all night. The next day, while hunting down a school of fish, I promised myself that whenever I went to
the countryside or anywhere else that was far away from the safe town, I would come prepared and ready
for any danger.
The End! (Or is it?)
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