HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 377

Fiction: Group 2
Where Dolphins Swim
Macau Anglican College, Chan, Hermione - 10, Fiction: Group 2
ad, please stop!” My father grabbed a vase and threw it. I clutched my stomach and ran to
my room, but he grabbed my hair before I could go any farther. “You worthless girl, you’re
good for nothing!” Tears streamed down my face. I never blamed my father for the things
he did, he suffered from mental personality order. When I was younger he managed to control himself by
taking pills, but lately my father had been fired and couldn’t afford them. I twisted out of his grasp and ran
out. I could hear my father screaming as I closed the door. Same dull streets, same trees. Something white
caught my eye and I walked towards it. It was a poster, stuck to the lamppost.
Initiates needed!
I studied it
with newfound interest.
Swimmers only!
It screamed. Didn’t I learn swimming while mom was still here? It
was the only way to distract myself from what was happening in my household
I cringed at what my father
would do if he found out. But this was my life, and I made the decisions.
The receptionist was a fat, balding man. “What’s your business?” He said in a bored tone. I sucked in a deep
breath, “I’m here to join the Pearl River Swim Team.” He drawled, “Where’s the money?” I fished twenty
bucks out from my pocket. He took out a swimsuit and some clothes. “Here’s your stuff, kid.” I wanted to
slap him, but that would result in instant banishment. I followed a girl in front of me who looked like she
knew where she was going. I studied this place closely. The floor was made out of marble and there was a
picture of a diving person on the ceiling, the walls were made out of clear glass and I could see everything.
“Ouch!” I had accidentally crashed into the girl. I rushed to my feet and gave her my hand, she took it.
“I’m so sorry.” I said sincerely. She looked at me, brown hair framed her face and her eyes were the color of
the night sky, her cheeks were rosy from the heat and she had tanned skin. “It’s fine.” I breathed a sigh of
relief. “What’s your name?” She asked me. “Oh, I’m Brooke.” I answered. “I’m Maddie.” She led me into
the dressing room. It was equally fancy. Then she started whispering. “Ok, Brooke, come here.” She pulled
me into a cubicle. “After you change, you’ll be a part of our team.” I nodded to show my understanding.
“There are a few people you’re going to have to avoid. The first is going to be Maylin.” I frowned. She
laughed at my expression. “At least that’s what everyone calls her.” She continued. “Maylin is like a real life
Asian Barbie doll. But she’s a nasty girl once you get on her bad side.” So she was the queen bee. “The
other two are her followers, Gretchen and Naomi.” I cracked up. “Hush! They’ll hear us!” She motioned
wildly. Once I had calmed down, she started up again. “Gretchen is a dumb girl. She doesn’t even know
how to do the breaststroke.” I had perfected it. “Naomi can’t keep a secret, she may look nice but she’ll
burst out everything once you’re gone.” I never share my secrets. “Gather up, girls. Practice starts in a few
minutes!” An older woman’s voice wafted in. “That’s Coach Maya, she’s strict but she’s fair.” Maddie
waited once she had gone. “There’s also another coach, but he’s new.” I almost screamed. “A male coach?!”
I screeched.
“Two, actually.” I buried my face in my hands. I was never going to survive.
I was in the water before Coach Maya could blow her whistle. I didn’t realize that I had already passed
Maylin, who was known as the fastest one in the team. “Oh man.” I moaned. Maylin was going to get me.
Sure enough, at the end of the lesson, just as Coach Maya was leaving for the bathroom she pushed me
underwater. Gretchen tied something heavy around my leg and I felt myself sinking. I floundered uselessly
whilst trying to remain calm, my lungs were burning and I tried kicking. Stars were appearing before my
eyes and black crowded my vision. I closed my eyes and let the darkness take over.
I woke up with sweat all over my body. I felt lips on mine. I jumped, and saw an unfamiliar face above
mine. “Who are you?” I whispered. “I’m Simon.” They had big chocolate brown eyes and chestnut hair.
Glasses hung from his face, he had one leg bandaged and was staring intently at the floor. “Why are you
here?” He scratched the back of his neck. “I thought you were pretty.” I snorted. I still had to get
everything sorted out. “I have to go.” I tried standing but my vision seemed to swirl and my head hurt.
“Easy there.” Simon helped me get back on the bed. “Why can’t I get up yet?” Simon looked at me
“According to the doctors, you need some time to recover from your near drowning incident.” I had to tell
someone “Simon, you do know that I wasn’t trying to kill myself.” I explained “The police found you
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