HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 405

Fiction: Group 2
New Tales of the Pearl River Delta
Po Leung Kuk Hong Kong Taoist Association Yuen Yuen Primary School,
Wong, Ivan - 9, Fiction: Group 2
nce upon a time, there was a monster called Grog who lived in the Pearl River Delta. Even
though no one has ever seen it, everyone who lived near the river was afraid of it because rumour
has it, that Grog once destroyed an entire village. Many villagers were afraid and panicked. It
didn’t take long for the news to reach the king’s ears. For this reason, it made the king feel very frustrated,
so he called upon three of the bravest and mightiest knights in the kingdom to slay the unknown, but
probably hideous, monster.
When the knights arrived, the king prepared a feast to welcome them. “My friends enjoy the meal.
This may be our last.” said the king as he entered the dining room. “Why are we here?” questioned Sir
Louis, a knight. “You’re all here because there is a monster called Grog in the Pearl River Delta.” The king
replied, “It destroyed the small town of Reedsburg. The witness died before he could say anything except
his name.” “Sooo, What does this ‘Grog’ look like?” asked another knight, Sir Carlo. “We need to identify
that monster or we’ll be slaying your pet swan next!” chuckled Sir Macho. A servant piped up “It is pale,
almost transparent and can take your souls!” “No, no, no! It’s black, splits fire and has poisonous teeth! Mind
you those teeth ….” “You both are wrong!” “It has scaly skin and has a spiked and clubbed tail!” another
servant interrupted “Fools! It is a giant that can swim!” argued a fourth servant “What? It can create
underwater whirlwinds and have snake hair, you halfwit!” “ Silence!” The king barked, then he apologized
to the knights “I am sorry, those servants are always talkative.” “Never mind, in my castle it’s the same.”
comforted Sir Louis. After that, the knights left the table without a word.
The next day, Sir Louis, Sir Carlo and Sir Macho went to the castle to prepared their weapons and
armour. Sir Carlo chose a bow and some arrows while Sir Louis and Sir Macho chose swords and shields.
Suddenly, Sir Macho exclaimed, “Wait a minute! The creature lives in the Pearl River Delta, how can we
fight it underwater? We’ll run out of air!” “I think you’re right, then we should go to the river and lure it
out, then we can fight it,” replied Sir Carlo. So they mounted their horses and raced to the river. “Come
out, Come out, wherever you are!” shouted Sir Macho “Yelling isn’t going to work.” Sighed Sir Carlo as
he got off his horse. “We have to think of something to lure it out.” The knights sat on a rock to think of
some way to lure it out, but after a long time, they still haven’t think of any way to lure it out. Just then, Sir
Macho spotted some bubbles on the River “What is tha-” Before he could even finished his sentence, a
tidal wave crashed on them! “What-Where in the world?” gasped Sir Carlo. He was nearly swept away by
the wave and finally saw the serpent!
“Oh my goodness” exclaimed Sir Carlo as his face slowly turned pale, “What’s that I see over
there? Is that…Is that the Grog?” “Probably” said Sir Macho shivering in fright “Don’t just stand there,
fight!” shouted Sir Louis. Suddenly, Grog blasted them with a freezing breath. Sir Louis was immediately
frozen to his tracks, fortunately, Sir Carlo and Sir Macho dodged it. Just as Sir Carlo reached for his bow,
Grog’s tail hit him. Sir Macho saw the chance and stabbed Grog’s tail. Grog howled in pain, and flung Sir
Macho into the river. At that moment, Sir Carlo recovered and began shooting at Grog. One of the arrows
shot its eye and left it fatally wounded. After the ice on him melted, Sir Louis stabbed Grog’s heart.
Suddenly, Grog blasted them with another freezing breath. Grog was alive! Sir Carlo thought desperately,
and then he came up with a plan. “Sir Macho! Lure Grog to me!” Sir Macho was confused “What?” “I said
‘Lure Grog to me!’” “OK” Sir Macho said, then he shouted “Hey Grog! I bet you can’t catch me! Furious,
Grog chased Sir Macho. Sir Carlo shouted “Run to the hill and jump out off the way!” So Sir Macho
obeyed and Grog crashed into the hill. “Hurra-” cheered Sir Louis before he realized that Grog was about
to crush him. Grog fell on top him, so Sir Carlo and Sir Macho won.
They hurried back to the palace on their horses, badly injured. The king was delighted when they
told him the good news. The king decided to make an announcement “We’ll have a party to celebrate
Grog’s death tonight for these bravest knights.” Sir Carlo and Sir Macho were overjoyed! The king
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