HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 412

Fiction: Group 2
Hero of Pearl River
Regents Primary School of Shenzhen, Gong, Dave - 10, Fiction: Group 2
ne fine day, a little boy and his father went fishing at the Pearl River . The river was very
famous. It passes through Guangzhou. They went to look for colourful Sea shells that were at the
river bed. The boy’s name was Joe.
Both of them were fishing, and Joe’s father said he would go to a nearby town to buy some drinks. Joe
continued fishing happily by the river side. Suddenly a giant monster appeared in the river swimming
towards him. Joe was frightened and quickly ran away looking for his dad. They called the police. When
police arrived, they couldn’t find the monster anywhere and left. Joe was puzzled and thought he has been
dreaming. He soon forgot the whole thing and got on with his life.
Ten years passed very fast… One day it was early morning and everything was quiet. Even the birds were
still sleeping. A fisherman was busy catching fish in the river. That was Joe. He grew up and became a
fisherman at Pearl River. Suddenly, he heard a strange sound behind him. He looked up and saw a
handsome man floating in the river. The man has fainted, and he had no clothes on. The fisherman
surprised, and was so frightened that he lost his balance and fell into the river. He quickly swam back to the
boat. The water was so cold. He turned back over to rescue the fainted man. He did not know that this was
the monster who was hibernated for ten years. The fisherman took the man up to the boat. Suddenly the
man opened his blue eyes. “Are you okay “ the fisherman asked. “I’m OK, and thanks for your help. My
name is Dave ”. The man was very shivering, and looked at his self. “You will need some clothes, as you are
not wearing anything, and it is cold”, the fisherman said. They quickly became good friends. Dave did not
tell anyone who he is. He couldn’t understand how he has slept 10 years as a monster, and now woke up as
a man.
Dave lived with Joe. He found out he was good at football, and became a football coach. The students liked
him, as he taught them many football tricks. He could run and chase the ball very well. The students learnt a
lot, and the school team began to win at football competitions. Dave was a kind man who was loved.
Now it’s summer holiday. Dave and Joe went visiting a hill-side party. The place was crowded with
people dancing and drinking. It was their village New Year party. It was night and suddenly the hill started
to shake and move. The hill was actually the back of the white monster. Its head was white with white fangs
and bloody red eyes. The monster roared loudly and started to trample the houses nearby. Obviously it was
hungry and started to grab people with its paw. All the villages were very frightened and screamed with
terror. They ran everywhere. Somebody called the police. Soon, many police cars and a helicopter rushed to
the scene. The policemen shot the monster. While the helicopter tried to blow up. However, the monster
was not hurt. It got angry and started to blow up the helicopter. It grabbed the helicopter by its tail, and
made the helicopter spin very fast and crashed. It looked like the monster was very strong and evil. Dave had
to do something. He looked around and saw many bodies lying dead. He was very sad and wanted to help
the villagers. The only way to help villagers was to transform himself back to a monster and fight with the
monster so. He closed his eyes and made a wish !! His body quickly grow bigger and bigger until he became
bigger than the bad monster. Joe and his friend were shocked. It was his little monster 10 years ago. The
fight started. The two monsters hit each other and a long fight started. Soon, one fell down to the ground. It
was the bad monster and Dave the Monster had won the fight. The Pearl River was safe again. Everybody
clapped hands and applauded and gave him a nice name “ Pearl River Hero”.
Dave was happy to rescue his friends. However, he could not transform back to a man. He waved goodbye
to his good friend Joe. Then, he swam back to the Pearl River where he came from. After that, no one had
ever seen him again. But he will always be remembered in everybody’s heart as Hero of Pearl River.
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