HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 411

Fiction: Group 2
The next morning, I got up, and dressed for my next adventure. I went to the River and realized you could
go on a private raft on the River! I was delighted, I immediately ordered one and hopped on it at once.
Halfway through the River, I thought I heard the same splashing sound as the night before! When I looked
behind me, I saw beautiful dolphins
swimming and splashing around. They were a little pink and a little
grey. I thought they were the most amazing things in life. When they saw me, they quickly swam towards
me and said, "Hi-"
“you can talk!" I stammered, shocked.
" Yes we can, we are the special creatures in the River, the Chinese white dolphins. You must never say a
word about us. We all trust you.” said one dolphin.
"Wow!" I sat there with my jaw open wide and realized I should go back to the port.
“Dear dolphins, I must go now, will see you...
tomorrow." I whispered.
"Great! There's a boat that goes around the river and tours you at
8:00 am tomorrow, please come if you
can." One dolphin said.
"Sure!" I was so excited for
The next morning at
8:00am, I took the tour boat and whispered, “Dolphins! Dolphins! Where are you?"
There was a splash and I knew it meant, we’re here!
It was another great adventure!
Save the dolphins, water pollution and overfishing are killing the dolphins.
They are becoming endangered.
Only very few are lucky enough to survive.
I can’t bear to see the population decreasing so fast.
Chinese white dolphins need your help!
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