HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 408

Fiction: Group 2
The Legend of the Dragon of Pearls
Quarry Bay School, De Alwis, Kavinda - 10, Fiction: Group 2
here once was a 9 year old girl called Meili who lived in a village near the Pearl River Delta. She
lived in a small house with her mother, father, grandmother, Ling (her older sister) and Fa (her
older brother). Meili was never allowed to go outside during the last few weeks of summer. The
Magistrate would kill every girl under the age of 12 on sight, and he came to the village every year at harvest
time. Which meant Meili had to hide in her home until it was safe. On the last day of summer, Meili went
outside to watch the river flow swiftly into the sea. The water sparkled and shone like diamonds. The ripple
of the water made no sound and when Meili looked down at the river, she saw herself looking back. The
river bank was silent and the only other sound was the sound of crickets chirping.
“Meili! Come quick! The magistrate is here!” Fa called desperately. Meili got up and walked to Fa’s voice.
Suddenly a soldier crept up and hit her from behind with the handle of his sword.
Meili opened her eyes. She was in a cave and her dress was damp.
“Where am I?” she thought. The rush of the Pearl River seemed to be above her.
“Hello young heroine.” said a lady. She was plump and was wearing old work clothes on. “You’re in a cave
beneath the Pearl River Delta. An old forgotten place.”
“Why did you call me heroine? “asked Meili.
“You are the one to avenge the dead girls that the Magistrate has killed. But first, have you heard the
Legend of the Pearl Dragon?”
Meili shook her head.
“There once was a king of the sky: the Pearl Dragon. All dragons shed their scales and the Pearl Dragon
sheds his once every year. His scales fall down as pearls, then they melt into pearl water because of the sun.
No one knows where the Pearl River starts, but that’s where the pearls fall and turn into water. Only if the
dragon is sick, can he not produce pearls, and the Pearl River dries up. That’s why the river is called the
Pearl River and it’s never dries up. Only the girl caught on the last day of the harvest season on the 14
of the 21
Magistrate can save China by playing the Flute of the Pearl Dragon. No one else can play it.” she
“You saved me?” said Meili in surprise.
“Yes, my heroine. Or at least my husband did. The soldier knocked you out so he wouldn’t be caught
himself, and that soldier was my husband. He did not believe in the Magistrate, so he brought you here,
Meili. Quickly!”
She handed Meili the flute as the ground above her trembled by the marching of the Magistrate soldiers.
Meili played the flute, pure and beautiful. At that moment the Pearl River flooded over the river bank and
drowned the Magistrate and his soldiers. The Magistrate’s family was cursed by sickness ever since.
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