HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 423

Fiction: Group 2
“What is this?” I asked curiously. Grandma smiled and opened it. At first, I thought it was just a
normal stone, but then I realized what it was. I gasped! I just couldn’t believe what was in front of my eyes.
It was the pearl Grandma took from under the river. She had made it into a necklace. She took it out and
asked me to turn around. She then put the necklace on me. I was so happy, that I cried!
“Thank you so much Grandma! You’re the best!” I gave her a huge hug and by then Mom had
come to pick me up. “Bye Grandma! See you soon!”
“Bye dear!” she said happily. I slowly walked to the front door and said one more “Goodbye” to
her and left. I told Mom all about my visit with Grandma. After Grandma told me about her adventure, I
knew where my next holiday would be. I would go to China to see the Great Pearl River!
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