HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 422

Fiction: Group 2
The Amazing Pearl
Shanghai Singapore International School, Sumal, Gouri - 12, Poetry: Group 2
he sun was really warm in the blue sky, and the grass was as green as leaves. The wind was blowing
onto my face, as I walked up to her house. “Come in,” said a voice. She was sitting on a rocking
chair, knitting, her back facing me. As I walked up to her, she slowly turned around.
I dropped my bag on the floor and ran to give her a hug. “Grandma!”
“Wow! You look taller than the last time I saw you,” said Grandma smiling. “Where have those
days gone? Why don’t you put your coat on the hanger, and I will get some cookies and tea ready.”
I smiled and held my thumbs up.
A few minutes later we sat at the kitchen table. “Yum! Grandma, these cookies are amazing! You
have to give me the recipe,” I said with my mouth full of cookies. She laughed and agreed to give me the
recipe. While I was eating my cookies, I spotted a photo album on one of Grandma’s shelves. I went over
and started turning pages, looking at the photos. As I tuned to the last page, I saw Grandma’s picture when
she was younger. She was standing in front of a huge river that looked just wonderful. I wondered where
that place was, so I asked Grandma about it.
“Oh! This was when I visited the Pearl River. Pearl River is the most amazing place I have ever
been to before.”
“Oohh,” I said excitedly, “Where is Pearl River?”
“Pearl River is located in Guangzhou, China.”
“China? I’ve always wanted to go there. What was it like?”
“Well, I had a bit of a problem understanding Chinese of course, but other than that it was
fantastic!” Grandma exclaimed. Grandma asked me if I wanted to know more about the Pearl River.
“Yes, of course.” And she began to tell me all about the Pearl River and her experience there.
“The Pearl River has a length of more than 2000 kilometres and is the third longest river in China.
In ancient times, the Pearl River was called the Pearl Sea when it was 2000 metres wide. Later, it gradually
shrunk, and now it is 180 metres wide and flows through the city of Guangzhou. The Pearl River is named
because of all the pearl coloured shells that lie on the bottom of the river and is a stone island resembling a
huge pearl, polished by the constantly-flowing water of the river. I remember the Pearl River being so
picturesque and captivating, that we could even spend hours just gazing at its beauty.”
“There are many legends of the Pearl River and one of them is that an Arabian merchant came to
this city with a stolen pearl from his country. The Arabian ruler sent his men to recover the stolen property.
His men succeeded in their operation, but on their way back, the pearl fell into the river. Thus, the river got
its name, ‘Pearl River’, while the pearl transformed into the ‘Pearl Rock’. The Pearl River is like a ribbon
that connects the historical sites and beautiful scenery along
it and shows people both the modern culture
and the historical legacy of Guangzhou City.”
“And the most exciting thing about going there was that I had an amazing adventure! It all
happened when I went snorkelling in the river. I saw a lot of fish, and a lot of beautiful rocks with different
colours. I saw a cave and I hesitated for a while if I should go in there or not. When I went inside, I found a
shining pearl, the size of a child’s fist. For a moment I even wondered whether it was the Arabian
merchant’s pearl that fell into the river. I went closer to the stone to have a good look at it. I thought of
spending more time in there, just to have a look around the place. When suddenly, I saw a huge eel
approaching me! I was scared. I then pushed away from the cave and starting swimming to the shore. The
eel was right behind me. I was getting tired, but I was determined, so I pushed off harder this time, and I
finally made it to shore. And guess what? I still had the pearl with me in my hand!!”
“Wow!That was an amazing adventure!! At first I didn’t believe you!” I said excitedly, “But then,
what happened to the pearl? Do you still have it?”
“Hang on. I will be right back,” said Grandma, and her eyes sparkled when she said that. I sat there
for a while waiting for her to come back. When she did come back, she was holding something in her
hands, and she was hiding it behind her back. Once she came to the table and sat down, she showed me a
small, black box.
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