HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 421

Fiction: Group 2
I woke up falling out of my bed. I smelled pancakes again. I was home. “Mom! Dad! I’m having
even weirder dreams!” My father spoke, “Blame me, it comes from my side. My grandfather had travelling
dream ability. He would take a nap if he wanted to visit us for lunch.” He laughed.
When I woke up again, we prepared to go down to the Pearl River to look for the mysterious
object. I kept asking Li what exactly we were looking for. AnNa had told her brothers everything we
discovered about my dreams.
By the time we reached the river, I had answered every question. We saw: some trees, the river, a
statue of the four dragons and a description beside it. Li took out a piece of paper Grandma Mei gave her …
Pearl Dragon, foreigner’s touch, Chinese prayer
I looked for the Pearl Dragon on the statue; I spotted the jewels on their heads. Ruby for Long,
amber for Yellow, obsidian for Black and of course pearl for Pearl. I put my hand on it and the pearl
After the prayer, in front of us was a pearl crown. Li took the crown, put it in a box and then into
her bag. From now on the village would be safe. We said our goodbyes and I said I would be back
whenever I dreamed it.
When I walked into camp my worried counselors were relieved I was back. A few days later we
flew back home. I knew I wouldn’t forget this trip because this is where I discovered my dream ability.
Even now, hanging on the wall in front of my bed is a picture of Ming’s family and I squashed together,
with the pearl crown sitting on my head.
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