HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 506

Fiction: Group 2
Paul threw Nancy’s woodwork figure at the window, trying to force the window apart. Then,
Nancy took Paul’s golf club from its bag and hacked it at the window, finally smashing the glass. Now, as
the boat was leaning sideways, Paul boosted Nancy through the window and Nancy hauled him up. They
did this to all of the other passengers, and they stood on the side of the leaning boat at looked around for
rescue boats.
After a while, they all noticed a black rescue helicopter hovering high above them. Nancy used
the mirrored side of her knife and shone it towards the helicopter, which directed rescue boats to the area.
Soon, the boats began letting people on, while helicopters winched up the people on the blue boat. Smaller
boats carrying reporters and cameramen also rushed to the scene.
Just as the last passenger was winched up onto a helicopter, the boats sank with a huge whoosh. Cameras
flashed and people cheered at Paul and Nancy for helping a lot of people escape from a tragedy. Some
reporters even interviewed Paul and Nancy.
“20 year olds save a thousand passengers as chaos appears on the Pearl River. Paul and Nancy
Garson, aged 20, saved the lives of 975 passengers trapped yesterday in a...” Paul’s voice carried on as he
read the morning newspaper for the 7th time that day. Nancy leaped on couch and threw a cushion at Paul.
“Hey! Why did you just do that?! ” Paul yelled. “You’ve been reading that the 7th time today.” Nancy
answered and began writing in her diary.
Paul and Nancy arrived back at their flat late in the night. Both were tired and fell to sleep
immediately so they only saw the news a day later. “I’m never going on a boat trip again.” Nancy said as
she was writing in her diary. “It was so scary.” “How can a boat trip be scary if you’ve already experienced
a horrible one?” Paul asked. Nancy said “That’s a good question,” and wrote it in her diary.
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