HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 509

Fiction: Group 2
Lost and Found in the Pearl River Delta
W F Joseph Lee Primary School, Yueng, Sin Hang -, Fiction: Group 2
m I a different person after all these dramatic changes?” Jenna whispered. Jenna was lying on
the grass, looking at the fluffy clouds. All the great things that happened a month before was
flashing back in her mind. This was her real story she told herself. Although it looked
complicated, she’s totally relieved to get to know the real Jenna Irwin, or the real Fown Suk Man.
Jenna is a 25 years old young lady who lives in Sydney where is actually the most populous city in Australia
that many tourists who found on visiting this one of the most loved cities in the world. Jenna wishes to be a
traveller and visit Asia one day, as she believes that Asia is full of precious histories. She’s obsessed with
collecting Chinese calligraphy.
“Dad, do you want some coffee?” Jenna walked to her dad’s room. She found that her dad forgot to log off
his computer, then she looked at the screen nonchalantly, she found an interesting email from a woman.
“Can I meet my daughter?” Jenna repeated the words slowly. Jenna clicked it and said, “Hi Mr. and Mrs.
Irwin, we really appreciate that you’ve been taking care of our daughter, we wish we could meet her. Here
is my address…”
Jenna’s mind went blank. She asked herself who they were. She found her mom who was sitting on the sofa,
her mom said, “Jenna, you look so pale.” Jenna asked awkwardly, “Mom, who are Mr. and Mrs. Fown?
They sent an email to dad and said they wanted to meet their daughter, is that me?” There was a silent in
the room, Jenna asked impatiently, “Mom, who are they?” Her mom walked to the kitchen and shut the
door. Jenna sat at the dining table bewilderingly.
Time passed but her mom was still in the kitchen. Jenna was about to open the kitchen door, she heard her
mom was on the phone anxiously, “Jenna’s found an email from them. What if Jenna knows that she’s…”
Jenna pushed the door, her mom dropped the phone immediately, “I’m adopted, aren’t I?”
Jenna’s mom was trembling and her mouth was wide open, “No! I’m your mom, and so is dad!” She
continued, “That email is a junk mail! Actually, you shouldn’t read dad’s email.” Jenna frowned furiously,
“Mom, I’m not five anymore, your reaction has shown me that you’re lying.” Her mom was panting. “This
isn’t true,” her mom said seriously.
Jenna shouted, “I’M GOING TO FIND MY PARENTS!” Her mom grabbed her hands and yelled,
“STOP! JUST GO TO YOUR ROOM!” Jenna stared at her mom and burst into tears when stomped
back to her room.
A week later, Jenna had a date with her boyfriend. When she’s on the way to the café, she stopped at a quiet
park. She sat on the bench sadly and thought about the argument with her mom. Then someone tapped her
shoulder, it’s Billy. Jenna told him everything, “I’m actually adopted, my real parents are in Asia. I want to
know my real background.” Billy thought for a moment, “Don’t worry! I help you book the flight ticket to
look for your biological parents! But which part of Asia? Asia is quite huge.” Jenna thought of the email,
“Hong Kong! My parents are waiting for me in Hong Kong!”
When Jenna’s parents went to work, Jenna packed all her belongings to go to the airport. She told herself
she was ready for this adventurous trip.
After a few hours, Jenna carried her luggage and walked out from Hong Kong International Airport. Then,
she went to the information counter to get a tour book. She murmured when she leafed through the book,
“Hong Kong is a gourmet paradise and there are lots of famous eateries.” She tried to ask a lady something
but the lady answered rudely with a very funny language, “W
bù zh
dào!” and stomped away.
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