HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 546

Fiction: Group 2
New Tales of the Pearl River
Yew Chung International School HK Primary, Cheng, Joyce - 10, Fiction: Group 2
ust circled the ancient chest as Adreanne, a girl with jet-black hair and piercing green eyes, stared
at it. Wiping the dust away, she slowly turned the gold lock embedded in thick leather.
“Click”. It opened and a streak of light escaped from the box. Adreanne glimpsed at the forest around her to
make sure nobody was spying; the only living thing nearby was a stag. Slowly opening the chest, she winced
as streaks of golden light shone at her eyes. Suddenly, she collapsed to the ground and the last thing she saw
was a pair of golden antlers.
Adreanne felt a nudge at her shoulder and awoke completely disoriented, feeling only the ground beneath
her and seeing nothing but darkness. She stumbled as she tried to stand up. She had a feeling of emptiness in
her chest. She slowly raised her hand and as her fingers touched her chest she felt pain. Looking down, she
saw the antler shaped cut and recalled the previous scene.
Adreanne gave a cry of pain which echoed in the dark, then she noticed a tiny light, weaving towards her.
She laced her fingers together and pressed them against her chest trying to stop the blood. Slowly picking
herself up, she walked towards the light. Gradually, fear grew in her heart as she saw the shape of a stag. In
no time, she was running, escaping the galloping hooves.
She glanced up to see light above her, but realised she was trapped in a dome-like atmosphere. She tripped
over a rock and fell into the murky depths of a river. She was helpless. She let herself be consumed by the
Adreanne’s eyes stung as she opened them and realised that she was somehow breathing underwater and her
wound was completely healed…It must have been the magic water.
Her heart filled with disappointment when she surfaced to the land and saw the stag. It didn't notice her, so
she held her breath and swam to the other side of the river. She crept slowly out of the murky water and hid
behind a bush. Her clothes were dripping, and drops trickled from her legs, down the riverbank, making
rings on the water. She was noticed by the stag. It became furious and galloped, searching for the scent of
the girl which was masked by the musty river water. But Adreanne was smart and returned to the water.
As the creature gained on her, she splashed river water onto it and with a sizzling sound, the animal’s skin
began burning, its eyes turned red and smoke rose from its hooves. The tortured animal reared up in pain
and suddenly burst into ashes, mid-air. Adreanne smiled, and felt as if a cupboard had been heaved off her
shoulders. But the smile dissolved as she remembered that she was still trapped inside the dome.
Then it struck her that all rivers led to the sea! Diving into the water she swam with the current, stopping
when she saw a pair of legs dangling into the water…Adreanne rose to see a beautiful young girl relaxing in
the shade of a willow. Adreanne stood up to inspect her better...
“Excuse me, but um.. But what are you doing here? Adreanne asked.
“Well, I’m stranded, and I don’t think that there is a way out. The gates are over there if you want to
escape! But obviously I can’t cross because I’m immortal. Anyway, I have some soup, Would you like
some?” The girl offered with a sly grin across her face.
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