HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 554

Fiction: Group 2
A Pearl River Incident
Yew Chung International School HK Primary, So, Zi Zhen - 10, Fiction: Group 2
s Holly was contemplating whether or not she should tell a story to the children. It
was almost time for the children to go home. Ms Holly loved storytelling. Decision
“Story time, children!” instructed Ms. Holly.
“Ms. Holly! Ms. Holly! Tell us a new story!” said Roberta, a kind clever little girl who was aged
Ms. Holly smiled.
“Well, long time ago, when I was around 7 years old, I was playing beside the Pearl River with
my sister. We played there almost every day. One time, we were playing tag together. It had
rained the previous night, and when it rained, everything went under water. The rocks on the
side of river became so slippery. Our mother had warned us, but we were having so much fun that
we did not listen to her. The rising waters also meant that the river ran faster than normal. Well,
do you know what happened next? My foot slipped, and I fell into the deep murky waters.”
“Oh no!” exclaimed the children.
“I knew how to swim, of course, but the current was so strong that I could not swim against it. I
was tossed around in the raging waters. Just as I was starting to get dizzy, a log came drifting
towards me. At first I thought it was a crocodile, because I knew that crocodiles were capable of
disguising themselves as logs, but it wasn’t a crocodile because they did not live in the Pearl River.
“Were you scared?” asked Roberta.
“ Of course I was! Remember, I was only about your age.” answered Ms. Holly.
“I would have died if I ever saw a crocodile up close!” cried Roberta.
“Anyway, the log was actually a log. As it floated past, I grabbed hold of it and called for my
sister. By this stage, I was too far down the river. I couldn’t see my sister. The current had
actually carried me all the way into another town. My mind was filled with horrible thoughts of
how my life could end.”
“After floating about an hour or so in the river, an old man spotted and rescued me. He asked me
all sorts of questions, but I couldn't answer any of them because I was still too shocked to say or
answer anything.”
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