HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 544

Fiction: Group 2
The Tale of Frozen Pearl and the River
Yew Chung International School HK Primary, Chau, Sophie - 9, Fiction: Group 2
nce upon a time in an old village of Guangdong, China, all the villagers gathered to celebrate a
bountiful harvest of crops, although they wished they could catch fish from their trickling village
stream too. They made merry all day with a wonderful feast. When everyone was singing and
dancing blissfully, several of them caught sight of something gigantic and pinkish-white dancing gracefully
in the powder blue sky. It looked like a precious pearl necklace floating splendidly towards the ground.
Suddenly, it landed next to the little stream. The villagers found that it was a very peculiar dragon! It had
freezing scales that looked like shimmering pearls, so they named it Frozen Pearl. Frozen Pearl's giant
footsteps froze the land which terrified the villagers, so they dashed home at the speed of light. They
immediately closed all their curtains, slammed the windows shut, and also locked their doors up as firmly as
During the silence of the pitch black night, the villagers suddenly heard a burst of laughter from the banks of
the stream. They peeked out of their windows and surprisingly, they noticed two children leaping up and
down on Frozen Pearl's tummy! The villagers' jaws dropped in awe when they realised that Frozen Pearl
was giggling and enjoying it very much! Perhaps it felt that the jumping was a gentle massage. It seemed
to the villagers that Frozen Pearl was actually quite friendly, so they cautiously excited their houses and
approached it. All of a sudden, Frozen Pearl sneezed loudly and tons of snowflakes blew out from its
nostrils. All the children found it amazing and dashed to play with the flurrying white snowflakes. They
also climbed up onto Frozen Pearl’s belly and bounced on it, cheering with glee. When they all bounced
on its tummy together, snow balls kept on shooting out of Frozen Pearl’s mouth onto the ground. The
children bubbled with excitement and picked the snowballs up to build snowmen and to have snowball
fights. The children slid down from Frozen Pearl’s scales, which were as enormous as snowy hills. They
had lots of great fun playing on Frozen Pearl’s body!
One day, a fire dragon’s family came along to the old village. The fire dragon babies caught sight of the
children playing merrily with Frozen Pearl. They flew down, as they also wanted to play together with the
children and Frozen Pearl. The children found them lovely and stroked their reddish backs. Being afraid
that the children were trying to attack the babies, the fire dragon daddy and mummy puffed up their nostrils
and shot blazing fire balls that glistened like gold coins out of their mouths at the children to stop them.
Frozen Pearl leaped up at once to catch all the fire balls in order to save the children. Sadly, the fire balls
melted Frozen Pearl and the gushing water flowed down towards the little stream. The heavy flow of
meltwater made the stream much wider and deeper, which ran through a number of other cities in
Frozen Pearl gave the villagers happiness when it was alive. When it left, it brought them a beautiful river
with new species of living creatures that people later called the Pearl River to commemorate Frozen Pearl.
Frozen Pearl’s scales turned into a kind of giant clam which grew precious pearls in different vivid colours.
There were also some very unique new animals too. The Rellef was a kind of horrid looking fish. It had
scales as spiky as a cactus and its mouth was as big as a pomelo. The Rellef fish liked gobbling flies and baby
turtles. The second one was Tellorrit, which was a tiny little octopus that was as small as a bee. The
villagers enjoyed keeping it as a pet. The Tellorrit ate baby shrimps and frog eggs. The last one was called
Tiger Goose, as its head looked like a Tiger and it roared like a tiger too. Unlike its name, the Tiger Goose
was not dangerous to humans at all. In fact, they liked wobbling in a line behind the humans whenever
they passed by.
Every year during the harvest festival, the villagers made necklaces out of the pearls they got from the clams.
They threw them into the Pearl River to pay respect to Frozen Pearl and pray for a continuous bumper
harvest of as well as the plentiful catches of fish that now blessed the village because of the Pearl River.
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