HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 548

Fiction: Group 2
New Tales of the Pearl River Delta
Yew Chung International School HK Primary, Lau, Erin - 9, Fiction: Group 2
he Pearl River was once a clean, serene and picturesque haven. This is a place where I called my
humble abode - a home sweet home indeed. I was born in a small cave, rugged but peaceful. It
was also a safe habitat which everybody loved and cared for each other. We were like families. We
still are. I spent my pastime playing with my friends and sometimes protecting myself from my foes. I loved
to hold onto this special place like a little child cuddling its favourite teddy bear. Every week, we had to
throw out the rubbish to keep our home clean. We also had a secret place where we kept all the ancient
treasures which were left behind from famous explorers including Marco Polo and Christopher Columbus.
Nobody knew exactly where it was hidden. We left no chance for anybody to steal it. That’s how we kept
it safe. Everything was calm and peaceful until one day a young man came along to embark on his passion
for fishing.
Oh! Please excuse me for not introducing myself properly.
Hello everyone, my name is Granny Ivy and I am very old, like a fossil. I can’t tell you how ancient I am
because my brain lost track of many fond memories. You might think that I must be some kind of a peculiar
creature. Sorry to disappoint you but I am only a legendary Mandarin fish like any other in this river. But in
my opinion, I still think that I am very special and unique.
I have a sad but hopeful story to tell - a story of my life spanning from a long time ago until now. My
friends including other legendary fishes that lived or live in this old Pearl River Delta know my story too.
Many years ago a young man named Dusty came to this river and started fishing for fun. It must be the
beauty of this river that caught his attention. He wanted to take some of us back after his fishing expedition.
Gradually, the Pearl River Delta had become a popular fishing site for many.
We were flabbergasted and petrified because of what they were doing to us! Not only did they want to fish
us, cook us, then sell us but they started building ill-smelling factories to allow the effluence pollute the sea
and destroy our home sweet home. Consequently, many of our lives and well-beings were snatched away.
The destiny of our peaceful haven had been altered since then just like a little child crying for days and
nights for losing its favourite teddy bear. In addition, they now want to build a tunnel stretching from one
part of China to the other because this river flows through various places such as : Guangzhou, Hong Kong,
Macau, Shenzhen and Dongguan. If this is truly implemented, our home will be destroyed and
diminished… Humans cannot fathom the consequences of what they are doing to this precious river.
Eventually, someone will have to pay for it.
After the announcement of the destructive news, we decided to hold a meeting. We needed to find a
solution to fight against this tunnel. After many heated discussions, we concluded that in two weeks’ time on
(WIFC) World International Factory Connection Day, we would paint our fins yellow; make our voices
heard; put up banners and slogans:
Come together for solidarity!
Fishes power!
Support us!
Let’s unite and fight!
We need your help!
Join hands with us!
Make a difference!
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