HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 551

Fiction: Group 2
Lin looked around and realised they were on another island except it was floating in the air and was encased
in a bubble.
“This is ‘The Lost Isles‘!” Lin exclaimed.
The island seemed deserted and eerie but it was filled with beautiful plants of all kinds. Lin and Tai
wandered around aimlessly until they decided to sit down below an oak tree. The place was strange because
it seemed like it was in the sea, but you could just make out some clutches of white mist.
An old man appeared, his hood covering his face, and he held a staff with a glowing amber at the top.
“So, I have never seen mere humans appear upon ‘The Lost Isles‘ of ‘Fladeth Archipelago‘...“ The man
marvelled, “My name’s Erune, the guardian of this… island. “
“What do you mean mere humans?” Saige asked.
“Well ‘Fladeth Archipelago’ is the place of the gods and goddesses. What have you arrived for?“
“We need to save the Pearl River,” Tai wondered.
“Find Jahphine, the goddess of rivers and oceans. She’ll help you.“
“Thanks!” Lin and Tai said in unison.
Erune told them that Jahphine lived on the top of ‘Mount Arid‘, the tallest mountain in Fladeth
Archipelago. Luckily, they were given Chollima, a Chinese winged horse that was very fast, from Erune and
made it to the top in less than a day. When they arrived at the golden gate encrusted with pearls and
diamonds, a fair lady dressed in midnight blue greeted them.
“Are you looking for Lady Jahphine? I am her lady-in-waiting, follow me.” The lady informed.
“Oh… Right.” Lin stuttered.
Tai raised an eyebrow at her and she glared back. A wave of anxiety washed over her, she was visiting a
goddess, who wouldn’t be nervous? Lin gulped.
What if Jahphine doesn’t save the river? Everyone will die!
When the lady opened the door, light flooded through the crack and dots danced around their eyes. When
the view cleared they could make out a tall and slender lady that wore a silky golden and white gown with a
diamond crown.
Jahphine smiled, “I have watched the two of you survive terrifying dangers, and because of your bravery, I
will save your precious river.”
Jahphine chanted something and Lin and Tai were sent back to their village, Pera. When they arrived, they
realised the river was once again back to a bright blue.
Their story was passed down in the village of Pera but when Pera perished in the Great War, Lin and Tai's
story perished with it. No one now knows of the 'Island of Canni's' or ‘Fladeth Archipelago‘.
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