HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 68

Fiction: Group 1
The Unnamed Heroes
YingWa Primary School, Chan, Sze Hang - 8, Fiction: Group 1
he golden rays of the Sun streaked across the flowing waters of the Pearl River as everyone woke up,
moaning. It was five o’clock, and everyone was working non-stop for many days at the boat dock.
Sweat was dripping heavily from their heads to toes.They were so skinny that you could almost see
their bones.
“Faster! Faster! Build the cannons and the battleship, we are preparing for a war!” Fleet Commander yelled.
Ruled by the Imperial Family who had seized China from the Ming Dynasty, people of China always wanted
to rebel against the foreign conquerors.
At the same time, China was military challenged by western
countries.Thousands were killed but more innocent people had died because of slavery and hunger.
People wanted a true leader who could unite people to reform the country.
Suddenly, a mysterious object soared above the sky leaving a trail of smoke.“Cannons! Run!” Everyone
dashed towards the dock, but within a matter of seconds, all was reduced to a pile of dead bodies.
Those survived followed faithfully after their leader SunYat Sen, though chased by the soldiers that the
Emperor sent, they were greeted by those old men at the dock and hid inside the engine cabin.
“The Qing Dynasty is too corrupted and only political reform can bring along a new China and save
everyone.You must be fearless if you want to join me!
Sun said.
“Yes, we will be valiant till the very end!
Others answered.
“Tonight at midnight, we will evacuate and take the boat at the pier.”
Near midnight, the moon rose over the horizon, high above in the sky.There was only silence in the dark.
The gust of wind blew across the dark water bringing a terrible stink of sulphur gun powder.A faint sound of
footsteps was approaching.
“Sun, you evacuate now, don't worry, we have your back!” One said.
“No, all eight of us should go together.” Sun replied.
They heard the loud sound of firing guns, and a scream of pain from one of Sun’s followers. Blood was
gushing from his right thigh and he collapsed on the ground.The others held him in their hands.
"Run now, leave me here, if you stay for another minute, we will all be hunted down." The injured man
Determination was sparkling in his eyes.
The others left him regretfully and Sun was pushed towards the deep trench of the dock. "Clank! Clank!"
The bullets were hitting the steam boiler behind them.
One of them showed his gun, turned around and braved against the approaching soldiers. "Run! Everyone! I
will stop the soldiers!”.
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