HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 364

Fiction: Group 2
The Lost Bill
Korean International School, Kang, Su In Elizabeth - 10, Fiction: Group 2
i! I’m a mutated black-faced spoonbill in an egg. I don’t have name yet. But trust me when I
come out from this old shell, I’ll get a name. I know that I have a mutated brother called Triple-
leg out there because I can hear him from the outside of my shell. I’m excited to explore the
outside world but I’m also excited to meet my brother and see if we have the same birthmark.
I’m hatched! I’m hatched! I’m hatched finally hatched! I can explore the world and meet my brother!
“Mom! Mom! What’s my name?” I asked my mom. “Oh! I almost forgot. Your name shall be….Double-
bill! Because you have 2 bills.” said my mom. “Brother? Brother?” I asked and there came my brother. My
brother was all furry, white and has three legs!” Do you have a birthmark at your leg like me?” we said at
the same time. But after this joyful day it was me and my brother’s training day for our migration. We
practiced and practiced flying. I was an expert. The migration day finally came we set off and we were on
the sky with grey clouds. My mom always felt sorry for our defects and worried about the weather because
we were still little cute birds knowing nothing. My brother and I flapped our wings as fast as an airplane.
Then, there was a violent typhoon. Such a fearsome typhoon, such a horrible typhoon. It was too strong
and blew me and my brother. We were separated with our family. Then I landed at the very front of the
Pearl River Delta.
I opened my eyes and found that I only had one bill! I was shocked and I decided to find my lost bill. I
was born with it, it is part of me. I obtained abundant love from my family with that bill. But this place
looked dangerous. There were air, water and land pollution. The factories looked old and dusty. The air
smells disgusting like a pair of old socks, I can hardly see the front. The river was full of dead fishes rotting
and garbage in the river. First I was very scared but if it’s for my bill I will try my best. I was flying and
flying and looking down carefully, but I still can’t find my bill. Breathing in the stinky air was very
uncomfortable. How will I survive? Where is my bill? I almost cried.
Then I saw an animal in the river, swimming. So I went closer to take a look. It was a turtle! But not
an ordinary one. It has a green shell, green skin and a pig snout on its face. I know! It’s a soft shell turtle! So
I asked if he had seen my bill. He said he saw a black long-shaped bill at the dirty beach where there are a
lot of trash. After he said that, I immediately thank him and went. “Wait!” shouted the turtle. “Yes?” I
asked. “I just wanted to tell you that we animals that live here are turning weird!” the turtle said. “What do
you mean?” I asked. “A lot of us are getting mutated.” he said and showing me his mutated tail. “I just hope
that it will stop…I just wanted to tell you how beautiful the Pearl River Delta used to be fifty years ago…
The river bank was full of green trees and the clear river itself was full of lively fish swimming around….It
was great…never mind…Double-bill be brave, go and find your bill first and find another nice sweet home
for yourself.” said the turtle. I tried to understand what he was saying. So I went trying to think of what it
meant. Then I flew over the river and finally saw the beach where the turtle mentioned.
I found it! I found it! I found my bill! Then I saw a black-faced spoonbill with three legs exactly like my
brother. He was standing right beside the bill and looked fatigue. I went closer to him. “What’s your
name?” asked the black-faced spoonbill. “Double-bill” I said. Then, I found out that his name was exactly
like my brother’s. So I thought for a second and asked “Do you have a defect on your leg like mine?” I
asked stretching my feet out. “Double-bill!” shouted my brother. So my brother and I shared our journey
to the Pearl River Delta. “Do you know the softshell turtle over there?” I asked. You mean Mr. Snout?” he
said. “He told me to find a clean new home.” I told my brother. “Yeah!” he said to himself. So my brother
and I decided to fly away and find another pure land, a home, sweet home for us. “Seriously, what will be
our next adventure?” I asked. “Flying away from the Pearl River Delta?” we both said and laughed.
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