HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 374

Fiction: Group 2
The Little Dolphin
Lingnan University Alumni Association (H.K.) Primary School, Wong, Adrienne - 11,
Fiction: Group 2
look like a fish but I am not a fish. My skin was grey when I was young. But, when I grew up, my
skin turned into light pink. We like to play with other families and friends but do not like to stay alone.
I live in the Pearl River Delta water area with my family and my dolphin friends. However, there are more
threats in our living place. People keep on polluting the sea and destroying our river.
Last week, when my friend Jaydon and I were playing happily with our good friend Charlotte, we suddenly
heard someone shouting for help. It was a loud, anguished sound. It scared all three of us. Then, we
rushed towards the sound to see what was happening. But, the water in that area was so dirty and muddy
that we couldn't see through the water easily. After searching for a while, we found out it was an elderly
dolphin. He said he had been crushed by a gigantic metal monster. The elderly dolphin was very seriously
Charlotte told us that her mom said a number of Chinese white dolphins had died in this area because of the
number of human beings and metal monsters in the area now. Many big and small monsters came in and
out of this water area from foreign countries to China. We believed that all the dolphins' deaths is their
fault. The monsters always bumped into the poor and innocent dolphins, without remorse.
So, we gathered around the elderly dolphin, together with some other dolphins. With a final breath, the
elderly dolphin finally died. We screamed and clicked loudly. We all wanted the people to know that they
had done wrong.
Yesterday, as I swam back home from school, I saw that a lot of yucky things were poured into the ocean
and some dirty wastewater from factories were even splashing towards my school. I knew that it was the
human's fault again. At the same time, a plastic bag floated towards me and covered my head completely. I
tried my best to get it off but I couldn't. Some of the other dolphins laughed at me and said I was wearing a
"plastic hat". I was very cross with them. I kept trying to shake it off. Luckily, a grown-up dolphin
quickly helped me to pull it off. I thanked him very much.
Weeks later, whilst I was doing homework, someone suddenly kept on banging on the door. It was Nancy,
my friend. She was crying and told me that her daddy had been hurt by an enormous cloud smelly liquid at
the opening of Pearl River side. He kept on yelling in pain. Nancy told me that she was worried about her
dad and felt sad about our living environment.
I'd had enough, I decided to go and find a new clean place for all the dolphins to live. My friends Jaydon
and Charlotte agreed with me and decided to come with me too.
Shortly after we left, we met a dolphin who was trapped under something that looked like a giant spider
web-like thing left under the sea. Everywhere we passed we saw suffering and misery. Dolphins were with
discoloured skin and so on. My uncle told me before that it was caused by the dirty and polluted water.
From what we saw, we felt very disappointed at what people had done and really wanted to cry. Dolphins
and human used to be good friends.
Later on our journey, we also met some fishermen fishing in their boats. Their engines were very noisy that
we could not even talk with each other. The noise also affects our ability to find food. Unexpectedly,
Charlotte and I were trapped in a fishing net due to the muddy water. We suffered, thrashed and struggled
for a while and kept on saying, "Help! Help!!". But, other dolphins could not hear our shouts because of
the noisy engines. We were very frightened at that moment. We didn't know what to do. We could not
imagine what would happen next.
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