HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 368

Fiction: Group 2
The Mutant Bird, Triple Leg
Korean International School, Lee, Ian - 10, Fiction: Group 2
ello, my name is Triple-Leg. I live with my sister Double-Bill in the Pearl River Delta.
I was born in northeast Russia during the summer with a lot of factories polluting the water.
Smoke were released into the air by the factories. All the flowers and trees were dying as the
smog blocked out the sunshine most of the time.
When my mother laid me in an egg, a multitude of cells went wrong so I had a defect and grew an extra
leg. Sadly, when my sister hatched, a multitude of her cells went wrong too, so she also had a defect and she
grew an extra bill. Most specially, Double-Bill and I had the same birth mark at the bottom of our foot!
Since we both looked so weird to other Black-faced Spoonbills, no Black-faced Spoonbills would play
with us. So, my sister and I were like two peas in a pod. We went everywhere together and did everything
together. We were attached to each other.
The first winter for Double-Bill and I came. On migration day, our family flew happily for a long, long
time. By the time we were about to land, an enormous typhoon unexpectedly hit Shenzhen. Our family
were blown everywhere over the Pearl River Delta like a flock of paper cranes being blown by a gust of
When the typhoon finally ended, I barely had any strength left to land on a beach. Exhausted, I accidentally
landed on a Giant Softshell Turtle’s head and woke him up unexpectedly. “Why are you on my head?”
asked the Giant Softshell Turtle. I explained that I was caught in an enormous typhoon and asked to rest
awhile on his head. Without a second thought, he said, “Sure!” Being touched by his friendly gestures, I
introduced myself and asked what his name was. He told me his name was Mike. Since then, we had
become good friends.
One day, when I was sitting on Mike’s back, going down the Pearl River Delta, I saw tons of rubbish and I
asked Mike about the rubbish. Mike answered that although he did not know who was polluting the Pearl
River Delta, he was angry with the person that polluted the river as the garbage gradually destroys the
environment and poisons the water. This organization is killing the animals living here indirectly! Every
time he thought about it, he got angrier. He could feel a furious fire burning in his heart.
Getting more and more annoyed, we decided to be animal detectives to find out who was polluting the
Pearl River Delta.
My good friend Mike and I sneaked into the factory named Shenzhen Double Luck Dyeing Factory. There
was nobody working inside the factory. Mike and I moved softly up to the second floor and unintentionally
we heard someone saying, “Ha, ha, ha, ha! I’m the richest man in the world, and I’m pouring coloured
water into the Pearl River Delta using my secretly built underground pipe. As we turned back, we saw a
sign which has his name and title, “Mr. Lee Shuang Yun, Chief Executive Officer”. We were very excited
that we found the right person without any difficulties. We looked at each other and we knew that we
were both thinking the same thing, “Yay! We found the target person who is polluting the Pearl River
Delta by leaking out polluted water into the river! He should have filtered the water used to dye the clothes
before pouring it back into the river, but he did not!”
After we left the Shenzhen Double Luck Dyeing Factory without being noticed, we discussed and decided
we would capture him using the fishing net that Mike got tangled in last night.
On the way to capture Mr. Lee by the banks of the Pearl River Delta, Mike was unluckily captured by a
group of zoologists because he moved too slowly. I was able to catch Mr. Lee without Mike using the
fishing net. I flung the fishing net over Mr. Lee while he was taking a walk during the night and he got
tangled in the net like Mike. He was very shocked and scared. I asked him to clean the Pearl River Delta
since I knew human language. Surprised by my ability to speak in human language, he was like a frozen
man for a few minutes. After his consciousness came back, he suddenly started waving his brown leather
wallet attempting to scare me away. Thinking that it was food, I ate it all up! I tried to calm myself down
and explained to him what he did would have killed all the animals in this area. After my explanation, he
started to realize that he had made a big mistake and accepted my request to stop the pollution.
Feeling so sorry about Mike’s capture, I thought maybe I should migrate back to Russia.
Back to Russia, I visited my favourite places and tried to find my sister Double-Bill, sadly, I could not find
her. Feeling hopeless, I flew back to my home at the Pearl River Delta.
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