HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 418

Fiction: Group 2
The Creepy Story in Pearl River Delta
Regents Primary School of Shenzhen, Zhu, Timon - 10, Fiction: Group 2
ne Halloween night, Mr. Tim
Mrs. Tim and his son went out to a haunted house where no
one dares to go! It was called ‘I Want Your Heart’! When everyone heard that name, they called
the police and they closed it, but somehow after they had locked it, the haunted house reopened
the lock by itself! The sound was “BOO!!” It was the night before Halloween. Mr. Tim and his
family went into the terrible place where no one dares to go. Once they went in, they heard a sound of
‘BOO!’ His son Steve ran away, but his father was shocked! Steve cried for help, but no one heard him, if
they did they would still walk away. His son was crying and yelling, when he found his father’s phone, he
asked the police to call the hospital for them. When the doctors arrived, they ran to Steve. But before they
got to the hospital, his father died!
20 years later, Steve finally stopped having thoughts about how his father died, but his mother, Joanne, she
always had horrible dreams about it. Once she wanted to fall from a 100 storey building, but she still
survived because someone saw her and the police went and saved her as fast as possible. Steve was scared that
his mother would do that again, so he ordered an agent to follow her until the end of her life.
A month later, Steve’s mother died because she was shot on the same date as Steve’s father. Everyday he ate
something from the garbage. He even stole some stuff from the hospital to make sure he could survive.
When he saw a cute baby, he came back to life again. He wanted to buy a child for half of his property or a
quarter of it. If he can buy a cute one, he would use all his cash to buy one. When he bought the kid, he
was so happy. He forgot that his mother died. Steve took enough money to give them having a good like
for 23 years. He named his kid Valthorius. When Valthorius started school, he wasn’t so happy because he
did not have a mother. Everyone at school had a mother. There was one lady but she was too fat, so he
dumped her. Then he told his son that he had found him a new mother! Valthorius wanted to see his new
mother, but before he met his new mother, she died in pain in the living room in their house. The kid cried
for a day but the next day, his father died by the side of his new mother’s body. Valthorius then had nothing
but the money that his father left him and don’t forget also his mother’s money. When they died he was just
10 years old. He lived with sadness and he became older, his heart became full of sadness. When he turned
29, he found a wife. His wife was fabulous for him, but when the day they got married, his beautiful wife
died by a bullet that was shot to the head. Valthorius’s went in to depression. When he was 46, he did the
same thing his grandmother did. He was too sad, so he fell from a 500 storey building. It was sad, but they
still saved his life. The people thought that he needed a vacation to China. When he was there he died
because he couldn’t handle the pressure of having to see the people that he really cared about dying again, so
he had to do what he needed to do. He first gave his money to the people that really needed it more than
him. Then he went and fell from the roof top. But for some reason he survived. The saddest thing to him
was that they would watch him until he died. He hired a person that was really good at using snipers. He
told him to kill the guards and also kill him. He would pay 50 billion to let that person kill himself and kill
his guards that are defending him. Valthorius had given him the money to kill him, but that guy just took
the money and ran away. Valthorius was so sad and he bought a gun. His gun was AK-47. The shop owner
said that is was 500 billion dollars for one. Valthorius was so angry that he had to steal it and run away. The
shop owner called the police and they caught Valthorius. He was in prison for 1 year. He went and told the
strongest prisoner to destroy him. The prisoner was happy to do it first, but then he thought that if he killed
him he would just die on the rope on the top of the wall. The prisoner then told him that he would not kill
him. Then Valthorius punched that big hairy guy at the face. The prisoner still didn’t kill him. Every night
he found Valthorius and punched him as a payback. At the end, Valthorius was finally set free and he went
everywhere to find someone to kill him, he even asked babies to help him. Everyone thought that he was so
dumb, so eventually they killed him because he was way too dumb.
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