HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 469

Fiction: Group 2
The Keeper of the Pearl River Delta
SKH YCMCJ Primary School, Ma, Xue Lin - 11, Fiction: Group 2
nce upon a time, in a place somewhere near Manila, lived a man named Howard. Howard was a
poor guy who lived off the food he could find.
One day, when Howard was looking for food near beach, a ship came ashore to recruit men. This
was Howard’s chance. So long as Howard gets on the ship, his life will change forever.
The ship was recruiting people who were slim like sticks so they won’t eat too much. Howard walked over
and was excited, he whispered: “Can I come?” A crew member rudely said: “Come on quickly, I don’t
have all day!”
The ship was sailing to the north. Suddenly, the ship hit a big dam which broke and made water flow out.
Everyone in the ship was frightened, so they jumped into the water and swan for their lives, except from
Howard who didn’t jump quickly enough. In the end, Howard died.
But Legend says that Howard did not die. In fact, he became the keeper of that dam, which later became
the Pearl River Delta.
The dam wasn’t always a dam. It was blocked by all the trash the people thrown away which led to floods as
the water had nowhere to go. But ever since the ship crashed into the trash, it made a hole for the water to
come out from.
As soon as Howard became the keeper of the Pearl River Delta, he told everyone in the province to never
throw trash into the river so it will not be blocked again. When Howard finished his job, the king thanked
him and gave him a lot of money. So Howard lived happily ever after.
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